How Juicing Can Benefit you?

How Juicing Can Benefit you?

If you are tired of hearing “Eat more fruits and veggies!” you’re not alone. Fruits and vegetables should be a staple in everybody’s diet, but unfortunately, they aren’t. See how juicing can benefit you.

The good news is that there are fun ways to increase intake. Have recently discovered juicing, and will admit, am borderline obsessed.

Why do people juice? Juicing is a great way to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet and change your eating habits! Honestly, are a total freak when it comes to food preferences.

Benefits of Juicing

Have been made fun of most of our lives for our food choices. have a fiery passion for vegetables! love them raw, cooked, green, red, orange, you name it…love it.

So understand if you think are crazy, don’t trust one, get bored, stop reading, or never try juicing. But let’s talk about why juicing has gotten popular…

Some of the Benefits of Juicing Include

  •  Assists weight loss or control
  •  Low-calorie, no added sugars or preservatives
  •  Boosts the immune system
  •  Improves allergies
  •  Better nutrient absorption
  •  Aids indigestion
  •  Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
  •  Can help control weight
  •  Increases energy levels

Let’s focus on vegetables. They’re loaded with nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and enzymes.

They can fight cancer aid in preventing it, and lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. They can support weight loss and help control blood sugar and diabetes.

Eating fruit can help do the same, but fruits are loaded with natural sugars that elevate blood sugar, and they have a higher caloric value.

The bottom line is we should eat more vegetables than fruits. Way more. This is especially important in juicing. It’s easy to get lost in the juicing process, and sugar can add up.

Most don’t enjoy eating vegetables raw, preferring them cooked, seasoned, dipped in dressing, or truthfully, not at all.

Juicing is a perfect way to increase vegetable intake in a way that you can actually enjoy. It’s easier to hide vegetables in juice than one would expect.

The other morning I juiced a cucumber, half an apple, and cabbage (stealth mode), and after squeezing in some lemon juice, passed it on to my older brother who loved the “green apple juice”.

And we’ve all heard how fluids make us more fully than solid foods (how juicing can benefit). Trying to maintain or lose weight?

Could you use more servings of vegetables in your diet? (Hint: the answer is always yes) Hey, have you heard of juicing? It can help you do both!

How Juicing Can Benefit You?

Bottom line, almost everyone can use juicing to meet his or her specific nutrition/health goal AND in a way that is customized to their preference! If you’re interested in juicing.

It’s got pretty much everything you need to know, especially things to be wary of and what to expect at the start of your juicing journey.

Ohhhhhh juicing, how I love thee. In How Juicing Can Benefit You, I covered the basics of juicing, why it’s so good for you, why people juice, and basic need-to-know facts. Let’s refresh:

Why so beneficial? rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, helps digestion and absorption of these nutrients, no added sugars or preservatives, can improve allergies, and boost immune system function.

Why do people juice? To increase fruit and vegetable intake, to help with weight loss, to increase energy levels, and simply because people love juice.

I juice once a day, every day. If I miss a day that is no big deal. If I miss more than one day in a row, things get weird. Honestly, I stopped functioning properly.

My once eloquent and grammar-perfect speech (thanks Mom) turns into a low-volume mumbling, my driving is worse than normal, and I’m fatigued throughout the day.

Monday of this week was just…off. I didn’t put it together until that night when I hadn’t juiced over the weekend. I’d been three days without juice. I woke up Tuesday morning and got right to it:

  • 1 Cucumber
  • 2 Leaves of Romaine lettuce
  • 1 Small Lime (no rind)
  • 2 BIG handfuls of Kale
  • ½ Granny Smith apple
  • 1 Small slice of Ginger
  • 2 Handfuls of Snap Peas

Looks wild, doesn’t it? So there we have it. I’m no doctor, but personally, I can attest to the benefits of juicing, especially concerning increased energy levels. Here are my favorite recipes so far:

Recipe 1

  • 3 handfuls of spinach
  • 1 small Granny Smith apple
  • 2 handfuls kale
  • 2 handfuls of snap peas

Recipe 2

  • ½ orange
  • ½ lemon
  • 2 yellow squash
  • ¼ head cauliflower

Recipe 3

  • 3 handfuls spinach
  • 2 handfuls kale
  • 1 plum

Recipe 4

  • 2 zucchinis
  • 2 handfuls spinach
  • ½ apple
  • 1 slice ginger

My preferences for juicing are probably not common. I love spinach. I could eat and drink it every day for the rest of my life and not tire of it. And I like that it thickens my juice. Some prefer thinner juices.

The juice in the picture was good, but it was too thin to make my favorite recipe list. Also, a fun fact: I dislike celery juice.

You don’t see any celery in my favorite recipes, but if you Google “juicing recipes,” you’ll see juicing celery is quite popular. How juicing can benefit.

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Traser Gold: How Juicing Can Benefit you?
How Juicing Can Benefit you?
how juicing can benefit you, juicing benefits, benefits of juicing, benefits of drinking juice, juicing benefit for health, juicing recipe, veg juice,
Traser Gold
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