How to Make Fashion Makeup?

How to Make a Fashion Makeup?

Make-up: What are the trends in make-up? Six new trends in make-up. Know step by step (How to make fashion make-up?).

1. Golden Cat's Eye

The eyes are covered with a black pencil, and the lips are slight and not noticeable.

What can I do?

Of course, you first need to help with corrective means to hide the shortcomings of the skin, and then proceed to eye makeup.

Trace with a black eye pencil, closing the contour. Jeans blue to use stretching makeup from three shades of shadows.

The brighter upper brows cause the most shadows, with the average tone applied only on the upper eyelid and the darkest on the outer side.

Stumping the shade with a soft, coarse brush makes the transition between colors easy. A slender brush gently brings shadow to the medium-tone lower eyelid, lifting the angles of the eyes.

To Make Fashion Makeup

You can add a little pearl to the inner corner to brighten the eyes. Because it affects the amount of ink, to make fashion makeup.

For lip gloss, use neutral colors and avoid bright lipstick, as makeup in combination with expressive eyes can look cheaper. The tail makes for a perfect fit for smooth hair.

This makeup also looks great in a soft brown or gold color, which can be used for day makeup. The winner will choose the colors based on the color of his eyes.

2. Porcelain Person

Facial expressions can seem artificial in this lip-focused makeup. Makeup is like the owner of pale skin to make fashion makeup.

What can I do?

First, you need to smooth out all the irregularities and even out the skin tone. This tone can be used with the porcelain shade of the cream.

It gives the skin a porcelain glow, delicate nobleness, and translucent powder that consolidates at the end of the makeup. Rouge plum color is applied directly above the cheekbones, from the center to the temples.

Before applying lipstick, use a transparent base for the lips, then apply lipstick in a dark cream color. You can use a contouring pencil of the respective color to give clarity and expression to the mouth.

The lower eyelid brings up a white pencil, which is placed on top of the apricot-colored shadow. Due to increased ink. Hair should not be overloaded with gels and foams; it should be light and airy.

Easy, charming woman with makeup resembling an angel. This makeup is perfect for people with light skin or for blondes.

3. General Line

Fashion Go back to the '50s and recall an elaborate line of eyelashes.

What can I do?

Aligns color with the slightly lighter tone of the eye. Apply a shadow base to the inner corner of the eye in the direction of the growth of the eyebrow on the upper eyelid.

Arrows could be used as eyeliner, and the black pencil above that line was smooth and flawless. The contour should be closed, and the outer corners of the eyes should be up in the air.

After the loop, you need a soft pencil on the line between the angles of the eye. Connect the lines to get a triangle, which is carefully obscured.

The upper eyelid causes pearly or liquid shadows. Of course, don't forget about touch. This makeup match is for a female fan who knows the elegant style.

4. Chocolate Brown and Golden Eyes

Fashion is 80 years old! Draw attention to your eyes, lips, and eyebrows remaining in the background.

What can I do?

First, apply foundation in beige; it should be a light skin tone. The upper eyelid causes a golden shadow on the inner corner of the eye and under the eyebrows.

Using the applicator or a thin brush, create a brown shadow from the outer corners of the eyes and line them up before the browbones grow.

Brown shadow in the lower eyelid. In the inner corner, apply a lighter shade of gold, making slight variations on the lower eyelid.

Fix it using a brown eyebrow pencil. Use brown mascara. This makeup looks especially good in combination with blue eyes.

5. Natural Makeup

Pale-pink gloss light make-up.

What can I do?

The principal is a natural expression. Touch Tone Cream Cream-colored, apricot-pink blusher is attached. Apply cream-colored age shadow.

The shadows will look almost imperceptible and natural when emphasizing the eyes with black ink.

While doing this type of makeup, focus on the eyebrows, fix them with a brow pencil, and use gel that is flat and smooth.

Choose a lipstick pink lip gloss. Invisible makeup is suitable for women who have a strong natural expression.

6. Retro with Orange-red Lips

Elegant makeup, golden shadows, and shiny lips are a tribute to the thirties. For the person using a liquid foundation. to make fashion makeup.

The lower eyelid carries a white pencil, but the upper sand-yellow shadows are slightly stomping up to the browbones, as well as the inner corner of the eye.

For daytime makeup, you can insist on a colorless gel; for evening black ink, the lips emphasize the color of the pencil and lead to glossy lipstick. It is like makeup fan clubs and evening parties.

Makeup is the secret to facial fitness. Create a strong, lifted, and curvy face that looks five, 10, or fifteen years younger.



Traser Gold: How to Make Fashion Makeup?
How to Make Fashion Makeup?
how to make fashion makeup,to make fashion makeup,golden cat's eyes makeup,chocolate brown and golden eyes,natural makeup,make fashion makeup,
Traser Gold
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