Simple Ways to Improve Memory and Concentration

Simple Ways to Improve Memory and Concentration

Nowadays, it has turned into a necessity for every one of us from a 5-year-old kid to an 80-year-old grandfather relaxing in his chair. See simple ways to improve memory and concentration.

Having a stronger, sharper memory and concentration is like retaining a gift. And if you feel this gift you have is weakening, then here are some tips that will count.

As a concerned student, professional, or even a veteran, you must have faced situations like “Where did I put that pen”?

Then the next thing you know is searching throughout the room but finding and finally scratching your head asking yourself again, “When Did I put it here?”

How to Improve Memory and Concentration?

However, there are symptoms that you should start noticing at the age of 30. Alzheimer’s Disease is the result of small and common-looking changes we may or may not see in our daily lives.

If we keep losing our mental ability as we progress toward age, the outcome can be a major one affecting our later years badly.

This is not what you are here for. But well, here are simple ways to improve your memory and concentration power:

Foods That Improve Memory and Concentration

Starting with the food, we have a category of what you need to have as a part of your regular and non-regular diet. Diet plays the most important role in nurturing the human body as well as developing the brain.

Start with green leafy vegetables like celery, curry broccoli, and dry fruits including walnuts, cashews, and almonds. They have antioxidants that help you retain brainpower by generating new brain cells.

Avoid Things to Get Memory Sharp

Avoid having junk food, processed and packaged foods like chips or soda, that have added sugars and damaged omega-6 fats. Quit consuming alcohol and smoking.

The nicotine amount in a cigarette hits the brain-sensitive part which in the case of a regular smoker results in impulsive behavior and irritating nature.

Exercise To get Memory Sharp

A healthy body is for a healthy mind, and vice-versa. A Strong body is, first of all, a symbol of a fit and sound mental state.

Exercising plays a vital part in making you have a working state both mentally and physically. Like the saying goes for Brains and muscles; use it or lose it.

To have proper coordination and combination of stimuli and response, get involved in some workouts, and follow the schedule properly and regularly.

Scientifically speaking, through physical exercises, nerve cells in your brain multiply, and growth is enhanced, with stronger bonds that are not easily damaged by external Impacts.

As we exercise, the nerve cells in our brain secrete a protein called neurotrophic factor also known as Brain-Derived Neuro factor (BDNF).

During the exercise, nerve cells release proteins known as neurotrophic factors. This protein helps generate other chemicals in our brain that also keep our neurons healthy.

Reduce Workload

Computers are based on human technology, like brains like processors. Now, it may sound funny to you but, a human brain cannot be compared to a computer’s CPU.

Human needs three meals a day to stay alive and keep healthy, computers don’t so stop working as a computer and handle one task at a time.

Multi-tasking would be like giving an extra load on your brain, where the mind can’t judge the difference between which tasks to focus on.

According to late research, a normal human brain requires 8 seconds to process a chunk of information in memory. Next time beware if you hold a car wheel in one hand and a mobile in another.

Engage your Brain Too

If you think you are too grown-up to play brain quizzes puzzles, or even crosswords, think again because these are the games you need to play if you are feeling a sense of forgetfulness.

A little sharpener for your brain is the daily crosswords, start using it or you’ll start losing your capability to challenge your brain.

Once your brain gets a proper stimulus, you start gaining immunity against the factors responsible for deteriorating your problem-solving capability. So, train your brain through day-to-day brain teasers and quizzes.

If you are concerned, get a new set of brain puzzles or Dora’s puzzles box for your kid. Get along with any game for at least 10-20 minutes. For a good start, try Sudoku in the leisure section of your daily news.

Vitamin D - A Brain Booster

Vitamin D is the key role player in nerve growth inside your brain. The areas that are positively affected by Vita-D are the Hippocampus and cerebellum, mainly responsible for info processing and planning.

These are regions that collect our memories theoretically. After reaching a certain age, the level of Vitamin D starts declining which leads to insufficient brainpower, and poor memory function among aged adults.

Sleep Well to Keep Recall your Dream

There have been several types of research on sleep and are still some in progress. The one based at Harvard concluded that there are 33% of people possibly relate to distant ideas after having a sound sleep.

An adequate amount of sleep is what you will need after a day’s work. And this proper sleep amount will help you reduce brain dysfunctions, even the smaller ones.

The next morning you wake up, you’ll have the same sense of humor and Sudoku-solving capability as you did the last day. As a student, you must be focusing parallel on your sleep hours.

Brain growth also called neuroplasticity decides the learning and memorizing power. Moreover, the ability to control your thoughts is what deeply depends on neuroplasticity.

To add a few tips, we suggest you take proper rest and take regular brain booster supplies to hold on to your last dream.


There are dietary supplements these days, which are also available in many flavors. Do take an expert’s opinion on that.

We believe these tips will pretty much get your brain to click at the right moment. These were the simple ways to improve your memory and concentration.

Just as the experts suggest, keep your brain engaged somewhere, and don’t overdo a thing that gets you stressed.

The brain is also a muscle that needs relaxation. Thank you for having a close go-through. Keep your endorphins and Oxytocin balanced and stay in touch.



Traser Gold: Simple Ways to Improve Memory and Concentration
Simple Ways to Improve Memory and Concentration
simple ways to improve your memory power, how to beat up memory power naturally, how to improv memory and concentration, get sharp memory, brain,
Traser Gold
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