The Top Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

The Top Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Looking for yoga poses for weight loss? If yes, then you are on the right path. See the top yoga poses for weight loss.

Yoga is one of the best ways to "lose weight without breaking a sweat." It has numerous benefits. It can easily help you lose body fat without causing much pain to your body.

Moreover, yoga is one of the best natural ways to reduce weight. Many of us start on a poor diet of stress. Yoga will not only help in losing body fat but also reduce stress levels.

Which helps reduce the level of cortisol in the body. Cortisol is the stress hormone in the body that facilitates weight gain in the body.

Top Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

When your cortisol level decreases, you will lose weight naturally. One thing we have to remind you of is that “you will get out of what you put in.”

Anyone can easily perform some yoga poses. Moreover, “Yoga is all about challenging your mind and body and taking them to new limits.”

So, before performing yoga, always take it as a challenge. By doing so, you will burn more calories, and eventually, you will lose more weight.

The yoga poses that we are going to discuss are easy to perform. Moreover, all these yoga poses are for weight loss and are generally recommended for beginners.

1. Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose (Prasarita Padottanasana)

The yoga poses for weight loss stretch the hamstrings, calves, hips, lower back, and spine and strengthen them too.

Benefits of Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend Pose

Along with that, it also stretches your shoulders, wrists, forearms, and back. Moreover, this has the following benefits:

  1. A stress-free Mind
  2. Relief from anxiety and depression
  3. Relief from backaches and neck aches
  4. Improved Digestion and Flexibility
  5. Tones up abdominal organs
  6. Opened Hips
  7. It quiets and soothes the Nervous System
  8. A better thinking process
  9. Strengthens and stretches your back legs and spine

How to Perform Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose?

This yoga pose is very easy to perform; just follow the below steps:

  1. Start by standing straight in the attention position. Now stretch out both legs such that there should be a 3–4-foot distance between them.
  2. With a flat back, bring your palms to the floor under your shoulders.
  3. Use your arms to pull your forehead down on the floor; now bend your elbows towards the back wall.
  4. Lengthen your legs to press your hips up toward the roof.
  5. You will feel your spine being pulled in the opposite direction as you press down on your head.
  6. Breathe and hold this pose for 3 to 8 breaths.
  7. Now release and practice this at least 4 to 8 times.

So this was a wide-legged forward bend. If you practice this pose regularly, then you will get the best results.

2. Child Pose (Balasana)

Balasana is one of the most common yoga poses for beginners. It is also known as a resting pose in between difficult yoga poses.

Benefits of Child Pose

Bal Mudra calms your body, mind, and soul. This Baba Ramdev-recommended yoga pose has many benefits. These are the benefits.

  1. It relaxes the muscles in the front of the body
  2. Centers calm and soothe the brain
  3. Relief from back pain and neck aches
  4. Balances the body
  5. Tone the abdominal organs
  6. Improves Digestion
  7. Stretches your backbone

How to Perform Child Pose?

  1. As this yoga pose is for beginners, it is also very easy to perform. Just follow the below steps.
  2. Firstly, sit on your knees.
  3. Now place your palms in front of you on the floor as far as you can by leaning forward.
  4. Now bring your forehead down as much as you can.
  5. Breathe slowly and deeply now.
  6. Breathe and hold this pose for 5 to 12 breaths.
  7. Now release by placing the palm under the shoulder and slowly come upwards to a seated position.

3. Half Boat Pose (Ardha Navasana)

Ardha Navasana is one of the yoga poses for weight loss because it directly works on your tummy and also strengthens your lower back.

Benefits of Half Boat Pose

  1. Tone the abdominal muscles
  2. Strengthens the lower spine
  3. Builds Strength and Brings stability
  4. Improves Digestion
  5. Facilitates healthy functioning of the thyroid and prostate glands
  6. Relief Stress
  7. Increase Concentration Power

How to Perform Half Boat Pose?

  1. This yoga pose is very easy to perform but hard to balance, which can also be achieved with daily practice.
  2. Sit flat on the floor on your hips with your hands resting beside your hips. Your inhalation and exhalation should be calm and smooth
  3. Keep your backbone straight and steady, lean back, and lift your feet slowly.
  4. Now extend your arms too, so that they face each other.
  5. Exhale and straighten your legs as much as you can so that a 45-degree angle with the ground is formed.
  6. Maintain smooth and steady breathing.
  7. Stay in the same pose for 5 to 7 breaths.
  8. Repeat the same process three to five times.

4. Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana)

The side plank is a basic yoga pose for beginners, which means it’s very easy to perform. It also helps build your abdominal muscles.

Benefits of Side Plank Pose

  • Strengthens legs, abdominal muscles, and arms
  • Strengthen the wrist
  • Protects your back from minor injuries
  • Increases flexibility
  • Improve mood and body posture
  • Boosts metabolism and stamina

How to Perform Side Plank Pose?

  1. Lie on one side with all your weight on one part of the body. Moreover, your elbow should be under your shoulder.
  2. Now stand on that hand on which you are lying in a planking position.
  3. Stretch your other arm towards the ceiling.
  4. Keep your breath calm and steady.
  5. Hold this position for at least 20 seconds.
  6. Now repeat the same procedure two to four times.

5. Tree Pose (Vriksasana)

This one of the yoga poses for weight loss looks easy to do, but don’t be fooled. It’s very hard to balance in this pose.

Benefits of Tree Pose

  1. Mental and Physical Steadiness
  2. Good sense of balance
  3. Stretches and strengthens thighs, torso, and shoulders
  4. Tons of abdominal muscles, ankles, and calves
  5. it can cure flat feet
  6. Increases focus, concentration, and memory

How to Perform Tree Pose?

  1. Start by standing straight in the attention position.
  2. Bend your right knee and let it rest on your left leg. Now the whole weight of your body is on your left leg.
  3. Now focus on one point and properly balance yourself. When you are balanced, slowly bring your palms together in a prayer position.
  4. Now hold this position so that you can balance yourself completely. When you are done, slowly raise both hands straight above your head.
  5. Now join both palms above your head in a prayer position.
  6. Keep your breath calm and steady.
  7. Now hold this pose for at least 20 seconds.
  8. When you are done, repeat this 3–5 times.

6. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

Utkatasana yoga poses are very easy to perform but very difficult to hold and are also called “Thunderbolt Pose” or “Powerful Pose."

Benefits of Chair Pose

  1. Strengthen thighs and ankles
  2. Tones shoulders, hips, and back
  3. It can cure flat feet
  4. Stretches and opens the chest
  5. Tone the heart and digestive organs
  6. Improves metabolism and digestion
  7. Strengthen the lower body

How to Perform Chair Pose?

  1. Start by standing straight in the attention position.
  2. Now both hands are level with your shoulder, parallel to the ground, with palms facing the ground.
  3. Now bend your knees as you are squatting down. Do not bring the hips lower than the knees.
  4. Relax your shoulder and back spine.
  5. Maintain your focus on a single point.
  6. Hold and breathe 5 to 7 times.
  7. When you are done, repeat the same 3–5 times.

7. Shoulder Stand Pose (Sarvangasana)

Sarvangasana is very easy to make but hard to hold. Moreover, it is for intermediate to advanced students of yoga.

It has so many benefits that it is often known as the “Queen” or “Mother” of all other yoga postures: Also known as “All Limbs with Support Pose,”

Benefits of Shoulder Pose

  1. It stretches and strengthens the neck and shoulder
  2. Tons of buttocks, backs, legs, and abdominal muscles
  3. Improves digestion
  4. Reduces fatigue
  5. It calms the mind
  6. Relief from stress and mild depression
  7. Improved memory and focus
  8. It brings positive energy to the body
  9. Refreshes you
  10. Relief from asthma, infertility, and insomnia

To continue reading about more top yoga poses for weight loss, click the given link below:



Traser Gold: The Top Yoga Poses for Weight Loss
The Top Yoga Poses for Weight Loss
the top yoga poses for weight loss,top yoga poses for weight loss,how to lose weight through yoga,yoga poses for weight loss,lose weight by yogas,
Traser Gold
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