How to Get Rid of Stubborn Blackheads? 10 Effective Ways

How to Get Rid of Stubborn Blackheads Effective Ways

Blackheads are a bothersome fact of life for many people. We understand the cause: blocked pores. But the big question is: how do you get rid of stubborn blackheads? effective ways.

10 Tips to Get Rid of Stubborn Blackheads

How can you safely, effectively, and permanently get rid of stubborn blackheads? Here are 10 tips that work:

1. Choose Your Cleaner Wisely

Sure, you know that you should clean your skin regularly. And that means every day, morning and night.

But the way you do it and the cleanser you use can be important factors in your mission to get rid of stubborn blackheads.

Some standard cleaning materials, like ordinary household soap, can make the problem worse by leaving a sticky residue on your skin.

Abstractly, you need a soap-free gel that will work on eliminating excess sebum and reducing blackheads overall, or you can try an anti-blemish tonic.

Both should contain salicylic acid (we’re coming to the reasons why) and need to be gentle enough for daily use.

2. Try an Exfoliator or an Exfoliating Face Wash

You can't get rid of stubborn blackheads if your routine is accumulating dirt and grease, which are the first to clog your pores.

As a daily cleanser is essential to eliminating blackheads, you'll need something else. Exfoliation gets rid of the dead skin cells that are inevitably built into the face.

It's an essential tool for getting rid of blackheads as it brings them to the surface, where the right treatment can break up the blockage, which makes them susceptible to shrinkage and wash off easily.

* Remember not to overdo it; an exfoliating face wash two to three times a week is enough.

3. Go Natural

If you prefer a homemade scrub with natural ingredients, there are several recipes you can try. Not everyone's skin is the same, and if one doesn't work well for you, try another.

A simple mixture of sugar and oil is a popular and effective exfoliating scrub for many people. Simply mix a tablespoon of granulated sugar (brown or white) with a little olive, coconut, or almond oil to make a paste.

Smooth it onto your face and gently rub it in a circular motion. You can make a big batch and store it in an airtight jar in the fridge.

4. Charcoal for Blackheads

Every so often, a new surprise ingredient comes along. And although most fads go away after they have passed, some remain because they work.

Charcoal is not new, of course, but recently it has found a new user because of its almost miraculous ability to absorb bacteria, chemicals, dirt, and other micro-particles by drawing them to the skin's surface.

The simplest way to use charcoal for blackheads is to get a charcoal-containing exfoliating scrub like Pure Activated Intensive Charcoal or a charcoal mask for your face.

You can make your own, but you'll miss out on other active ingredients and that can get pretty messy!

5. Quick Removal

If you are still wondering how to get rid of stubborn blackheads, then sticky strips are a great way.

However, this process is somewhat similar to 'squeezing' (another loud 'no-no'!) except that it pulls rather than pushes the skin.

The problem with these strips is that to be effective, they must be super sticky and consequently remove the layers of the skin as well as unwanted blackheads.

They leave pores open and are only a temporary solution. If you want to try this route, go very carefully so as not to damage your healthy skin, and be sure to moisturize afterward.

6. Relax with a Face Mask

With your regular cleansing and exfoliating scrub twice a week, you are on your way to getting rid of those blackheads forever.

Just one important process: face masks. A good face mask is a unique way to lift particles out of your clogged pores.

This is the final step in removing the blackheads. Ready-made masks containing salicylic acid are the easiest way to do this.

Few contain harsh benzoyl peroxide, which may leave your skin overly dry, damaged, and even discolored.

Whereas salicylic acid is gentler and easily dissolves the cement that clings to the particles clogging your pores.

7. Try Your Hand at a Clay Mask

For another more natural option, you may try a clay mask. The homemade way to make face masks is messy but doable!

Bentonite clay is good for drawing out impurities from your pores because, when hydrated, it has a strong negative charge, which is linked to the positive charge in many toxins.

Mix two tablespoons of bentonite clay with enough water to make a paste on your face or problem area, and leave it to dry for about 20 minutes.

Shrinkage is quite dramatic when the clay is dry, and some people prefer to wash it off when it is partially dry, as it can feel quite harsh on the skin.

8. Get Creative with Some DIY Products

In our last DIY recipe, we smashed a few aspirins with water and applied the resulting smooth paste to the troubled area.

This may reduce any inflammation associated with blackheads (if they become infected) and also break up the plugs that block the pores.

This is because the acetylsalicylic acid in aspirin is chemically much closer to salicylic acid and has a similar effect on your face and skin.

Dissolve about half a dozen uncoated aspirins in enough water to make a paste, apply it, and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes.

9. Test out Baking Soda

An alternative and famous homemade scrub consists of nothing more than water and baking soda.

Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, a naturally alkaline substance that has antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Along with these health benefits, baking soda may also be used as an exfoliating scrub due to its texture.

The granules help to resolve all dirt and debris clogging your skin's pores. However, go very carefully, as it may be harsh on your face and dry out your skin. Use this process with caution.

10. Remember, don’t Squeeze or Pick

Like we said earlier, don't be tempted to squeeze or take! At most, it will leave you with sore, inflamed skin and open pores.

At least, if there is an infection somewhere, you can spread it over a larger area of your face. It is much better all-around to be a little patient and go the 'Cleans, exfoliate, face mask' route.

If you have to squeeze and nothing can dissuade you, use a clean tissue, make sure your fingers do not touch the skin, and discard the waste immediately.


After achieving your goal, enjoy your blemish-free skin and take care of it with a continuous rule of  'Clean ‒ exfoliate ‒ face mask'. It's so easy to get into and live with.

You may also back it up by drinking a lot of water and eating as healthy a diet as possible. Well, the job is done to get rid of stubborn blackheads!



Traser Gold: How to Get Rid of Stubborn Blackheads? 10 Effective Ways
How to Get Rid of Stubborn Blackheads? 10 Effective Ways
how to get rid of stubborn blackheads effective ways,tips to get rid blackheads,effective ways to get rid of blackheads,how to get rid of blackheads,
Traser Gold
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