Some Natural Remedies Against Sweating

Some Natural Remedies Against Sweating

Shots of sweat, unpleasant odors… To avoid these inconveniences associated with sweating (Some Natural Remedies Against Sweating), test these natural solutions to find better well-being.

Natural Remedies Against Sweating

The natural phenomenon, of sweating, may well cause problems, even complex ones. Here are some basic tips to limit perspiration:

  • Avoid spicy food, coffee, alcohol, and energy drinks. Note: the onion, garlic, cabbage, fennel, and Leek accentuate the bad smells
  • Prefer drinks at room temperature, because drinking hot or cold perspire
  • Drink water regularly
  • Some hormonal disorders, diabetes, being overweight, hyperthyroidism, stress, and certain medications can cause excessive sweating
  • Talking to his doctor

The Essential Oil of Palmarosa

(EO) essential oil of palmarosa is antibacterial and antimycotic. The fresh smell of its nice herbs along with the smell of roses lingers throughout the day.

And no risk that a white Halo or a task forms on clothing. We can switch him with the essential oil of geranium roast.

How to use it?

  1. Deposit 1 drop of essential oil on a potassium alum stone then apply the stone on the desired areas (skin folds, armpits, soles of the feet) 1 or 2 times a day.
  2. My Nature WD: mix 50 g organic aloe vera gel with 2 drops of rose of Damascus EO, 16 drops of essential oil of geranium roast, and 8 drops of peppermint essential oil.
  3. Pour it into a roll it.

Baking Soda

Thanks to its relatively porous structure, baking soda traps and neutralizes odors. Its regular use also limits the development of microscopic fungi in the shoes.

How to use it?

  1. After washing, rub the armpits or feet with dried powder.
  2. To avoid the warm-up and deodorizing shoes, pour 1 to 2 teaspoons of baking soda inside and let stand overnight.
  3. The next day, shake the shoes to eliminate the white powder.

Anti-Smell Foot Bath Recipe

Pour 2 tablespoons of baking soda into a bucket of hot water, and relax his feet for a quarter of an hour.

The Granules of Homeopathy

Any substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can cure a patient who has the same symptoms: This is the principle of homeopathy.

The doses are infinitely small so that they cause no toxicity. Homeopathy takes into account the personality of the patient.

Orders Home Against Perspiration

  • In an unpleasant odor in the armpits, sepia 9 CH, 5 rash, morning and evening
  • In case of sweating of hands and feet, Silicea, 7 hp 5 tablets, morning and evening
  • In case of sweating on feet, silica 9 CH, 5 grains in the morning and evening
  • Veratrum album 9 ch, 5 rash, morning and evening, when you sweat during menstruation.

Salvia Officinalis

Salvia has anti-sheet virtues: It can reduce the maximum of sweat we produce naturally. Natural remedies against sweating.

Four Remedies for Anti-Sweating at the Base of Salvia

  1. WD with Salvia: In a mortar, reduce the powder of dried Salvia leaves. Mix with 1 teaspoon of talcum powder and apply under the armpits.
  2. Infusion: Infuse 1 tablespoon of leaves per cup of boiling water, for 10 minutes. Filter. Drink 2 to 3 cups per day after meals until symptoms improve.
  3. Mother Tincture: For perspiration of the hands and feet, 10 drops morning and night before meals for 21 days.
  4. Ready to Use Capsules: Respect the prescribed dosage.

Eight Simple and Effective Anti-Sweating Gestures

  1. Wash and change clothes every day.
  2. Take a shower after each effort in the case of sports, needed several times a day.
  3. Perform daily washing of the feet, and dry well between your toes to avoid fungus.
  4. Wear loose clothing in natural material (cotton, flax, wool…) that allows the skin to breathe.
  5. Focus on cotton or wool socks: they allow better ventilation than synthetic fibers.
  6. Air daily and long enough parts of his house, his car, his office…
  7. Wax the armpits, it also helps to reduce odors.
  8. Preferably use a natural deodorant, and the removal of hair facilitates the penetration of the chemical compounds of some deodorants (aluminum salts, the scent of synthesis, etc.)

Hope you like the given solution for sweating or natural remedies against sweating. And definitely use them to get rid of sweating in the summer.



Traser Gold: Some Natural Remedies Against Sweating
Some Natural Remedies Against Sweating
natural remedies against sweating, salvia based anti-sweating remedies, simple anti-sweating gestures, effective anti-sweating gestures, sweating,
Traser Gold
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