Why You Must Have Hydrogen Peroxide at Home?

Why Must You Have Hydrogen Peroxide at Home?

Hydrogen peroxide might sound like a heavy chemical, but actually, it's the safest antibacterial agent you can use that contains water and oxygen. Find out why you must have hydrogen peroxide at home.

It is extremely useful for your household and even for your health. It's effective stuff for maintaining hygiene in your house, but it's also a regular part of any home pharmacy and first aid kit.

The Many Uses of Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural disinfectant. It kills microorganisms by oxidizing them, which makes them favorable for various situations.

In that respect, we have compiled a list of the 33 best uses for hydrogen peroxide:

1. Disinfectant for Small Cuts

It's a natural antiseptic, which makes it effective in preventing infections.

2. Hair Bleach

Even though it's used as household bleach, it's perfectly safe for lightening your hair.

3. Whitening Effect

You can use it to make homemade toothpaste with baking soda. It's effective at removing stains from your teeth when used regularly.

4. Antiseptic Mouth Rinse

Just a cap full of hydrogen peroxide is needed to rinse your mouth and get rid of bacteria that might be brooding in it and making your breath bad.

If you have ever been to the dentist to clean your gums, you have probably noticed that the dentist gives you a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to clean your mouth at the end of the process.

5. Disinfect Your Toothbrush

Instead of soaking your toothbrush in alcohol, you can soak it in hydrogen peroxide. This will kill all bacteria on your toothbrush coming from your bathroom.

6. Whiten Your Nails

Hydrogen peroxide can help to whiten nails naturally. All you have to do is soak your fingers and toes.

7. Acne-treating

You can use it to rinse your face, and it will even help you get a better skin complexion and kill bacteria responsible for causing acne.

8. Heal Boils

Boils can be treated by combining equal parts with warm water and then using that water to soak your feet in. It will soften calluses and corns naturally.

9. Remove Ear Wax

You can remove ear wax by putting a couple of drops in your ears. Let the drops take effect for a minute or two.

Then add a couple of drops of olive oil and wait a minute or two again. After that, just flush the liquids from your ear. If you don't know how to do this, consult a physician.

10. Avoid ‘Swimmer’s Ear

'Swimmer's ear is a condition where an infection forms in your ear after swimming. To avoid this, combine equal parts hydrogen peroxide and vinegar and put several drops in your ears after swimming.

11. Ear Infections

Just 6 to 8 drops are needed in each ear to relieve ear infections.

12. Sub-dermal Parasites

It kills parasites and mites naturally by applying them to the affected area.

13. Foot Fungus

Apply a mixture composed of equal parts water to the area where you have fungus. To prevent the growth of the fungus, you need to do this every night.

14. Remove Stains and Dirt

You can use it to clean your tiles by spraying them on the stained areas.

15. Whiten Grout

You can whiten the grout between your tiles by applying a thick paste made of white flour and hydrogen peroxide. Cover it with plastic wrap, and just rinse it the next day.

16. Clean Toilet Bowls

Half a cup is enough to clean your toilet bowl. Let it soak for half an hour, and all the stains should come right off.

17. Remove Tub Scum

By spraying it on your bathtub, you can remove scum-like stains, dirt, and soap scum. Soak the dirty spots for half an hour and rinse. It may not remove them immediately with rinsing, but it will loosen the scum for easier scrubbing.

18. Control Mold and Mildew

Spray it on mold and mildew. It will prevent fungal growth and remove discoloration.

19. Clean Glass Surfaces

You can loosen all the dirt and grime on a glass surface, which will make it easier to just wipe it off with a clean cloth.

20. Disinfect Countertops

Bathroom and kitchen countertops can be brooding surfaces for bacteria and germs. Just spray some, and it will disinfect them.

21. Soak Sponges and Dishrags

You can disinfect your sponges and dishrags by soaking them in hydrogen peroxide for 15–30 minutes.

22. Disinfect Cutting Boards

If you don't wash your cutting board on time, it can grow bacteria from the food leftovers.

So, spray it with hydrogen peroxide occasionally to disinfect it. Your cutting board by spraying on some hydrogen peroxide.

23. Wash Fruits and Vegetables

The skin of veggies and fruits can be filled with pesticides, so by spraying hydrogen peroxide and letting them soak for a couple of minutes, you can remove all the contaminants.

24. Clean the Fridge

Instead of taking out all the shelves and washing them separately, just spray it on them. Soaking for a few minutes will disinfect them. Just wipe with a clean cloth afterward.

25. Whiten Laundry

By adding a cup of hydrogen peroxide to your wash water and letting your laundry soak for up to half an hour, you can revitalize your white fabrics and remove the yellowing.

26. Remove Organic Stains

Combine one part dish detergent and two parts hydrogen peroxide. Apply the mixture to organic stains like sweat, blood, wine, or coffee. However, be careful with dark fabrics, or you might bleach them.

27. Remove Odor from Musty Fabrics

You can remove any odor from musty fabrics by combining white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide and letting them soak in the mixture.

28. Clean Carpets and Rugs

You can remove mud, stains from food, or anything else from your rug or carpet by spraying hydrogen peroxide. Don't do it with dark ones.

29. Refresh Re-Usable Bags

Cloth bags can get dirty very easily, so instead of washing them, you can just spray some on them. This way, you will disinfect them and remove any odor or stains.

30. Disinfect Lunchboxes

Spray, leave to soak, and wipe with a clean cloth.

31. Cleanse Dehumidifiers

Dehumidifiers can accumulate mold, which is harmful to your health. By adding a pint of it to one gallon of water in your dehumidifier, you will remove all mildew and mold from it.

32. Improve Seed Germination

It improves seed germination because it can remove fungal spores by soaking your seeds in them.

33. Some Cautions

It is a safe substance but can cause harm if used in high concentrations. The liquid vapors may burn your lungs and skin, so be careful.

Remember to never swallow it when you disinfect your mouth. It can cause vomiting, nausea, dizziness, and even death if consumed in large quantities.


So, never use it for internal health problems (except for mouth rins), only external ones! Also, when buying it, you must always ensure that its food grade is at least 35%.

For more information, you can consult either your physician or Google. You may also like this: Some Amazing Ways to Use Vinegar!



Traser Gold: Why You Must Have Hydrogen Peroxide at Home?
Why You Must Have Hydrogen Peroxide at Home?
why must have hydrogen peroxide at home, hydrogen peroxide, h2 o2, uses for hydrogen peroxide, uses of hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide use as,
Traser Gold
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