The Kale: a Vegetable with Exceptional Properties

The Kale: a Vegetable with Exceptional Properties

Kale: a vegetable, is considered a superstar of vegetables in the world, and kale deserves its fame and to be put forward for regular consumption. View kale: a vegetable with exceptional properties.

The reason is very simple. It is a natural concentrate of nutrients and other antioxidants essential to our body. So, if you have never heard of this vegetable before, read what follows; it could become the best ally on your plates.

Zoom on this food, which is cabbage with exceptional health properties and which you will soon not be able to do without.

The Kale: a Vegetable Like No Other

Kale: a vegetable of the Brassica family, stands out with its large, curly leaves filled with fibers, displaying shades from pale to dark green.

Its distinctive taste sets it apart, and unlike other cabbages, kale's leaves grow independently. Notably, its robust stems, reaching up to 40cm, boast high fiber content.

A resilient vegetable, kale thrives in harsh conditions, bravely enduring temperatures as low as -15°C. This hardiness makes it a winter staple in countries like Scotland, the Netherlands, Scandinavia, and Germany.

The vegetable's history dates back to Roman times, but its popularity solidified in the Middle Ages, gaining prominence in North America around the 17th century.

Kale's enduring allure lies not just in its nutritional value but in its ability to withstand and thrive in adverse climates throughout history.

The Nutritional Values ​​of Kale: a Vegetable

For 100 g of raw kale, here are the nutritional values ​​that benefit the body:

  1. Calories: 50 calories
  2. Water: 84.5g
  3. Carbohydrates: 10g
  4. Proteins: 3.3g
  5. Lipids: 0.7g
  6. Dietary fiber: 2.4g
  7. Vitamin C: 120 mg
  8. Calcium: 135 mg
  9. Potassium: 447mg
  10. Iron: 1.7mg
  11. Vitamin A: 769 mcg
  12. Vitamin K: 817 mcg

We would be wrong to deprive ourselves of a real concentration of benefits.

What are Kale's Effects on Health?

Each of the nutrients in kale: a vegetable, plays a specific role in the body.

1. Vitamin A:

The vitamin A needs of an adult are estimated at 700 or even 900 g per day. Thus, consuming 100 grams of kale is enough to cover it.

It should be remembered that this vitamin is essential for good visual health, bone development, and the health of the epidermis and other mucous membranes, according to

2. Vitamin C/Antioxidants:

By regularly consuming kale, you will not suffer from vitamin C deficiencies! This vegetable is a good source of vitamin C, which participates in wound healing and protects the body's cells.

In addition, it helps to reactivate the immune system. Goodbye tubes and other vitamin C tablets because, with 100 g of kale, you cover 150% of all your daily vitamin C needs.

3. Calcium:

Is undoubtedly the most essential mineral for the human body. It is he who promotes the growth of bones, the normalization of blood pressure, the healing of wounds, etc.

Numerous studies have proven that calcium from plants has a lower absorption rate than that contained in dairy products, for example.

This means that you will be able to satisfy all your body's calcium needs if you choose to enjoy this very special vegetable.

Especially for people who have lactose and dairy intolerances in general, this is a good option:

4. Potassium:

You will no longer need to consume supplements or drugs of unknown origin to meet your potassium needs. Consume kale: a vegetable, regularly, like spinach, to reduce the chances of suffering from vascular disease.

A good potassium intake ensures the optimal functioning of not only the kidneys but also the adrenal glands.

5. Vitamin K:

It helps to promote blood clotting. According to research, the human body needs 90 or even 120 mcg of vitamin K per day. By simply consuming 100 grams of kale, you provide it with 817 mcg. So who's the best?

How to Use Kale: a Vegetable?

When purchasing kale, choose a fresh, robust bunch, avoiding older, stunted options. Optimal leaves should be firm without spots.

To extend its shelf life, store kale in the refrigerator, washing and dehydrating the leaves beforehand, ensuring a maximum storage period of two weeks.

Versatile in consumption, kale can be enjoyed raw or cooked based on personal preference. While the inner leaves offer tenderness, the outer ones boast a higher fiber content and a bolder taste.

Explore various culinary avenues with kale, from incorporating it into fresh juices with the top 10 kale juice recipes to crafting delightful salads paired with ingredients like carrots.

Whether raw in salads or cooked in diverse dishes, kale not only offers nutritional benefits but also adds vibrant flavors to your culinary repertoire.

Uses with a Variety of Fruits

For this, the vegetable must be eaten raw. Some prefer it as a smoothie (and it's delicious), but you need a high-capacity blender to get a nice puree from the stems and leaves.

The mixture obtained can be combined with a variety of fruits, such as:

  • The mango
  • Pineapple
  • Citrus fruits
  • The lawyer
  • Etc.

If you opt for cooking, the kale leaves can be cooked over high heat with olive oil or steamed for 20–30 minutes.

You can accompany them with various soups, such as carrot soup, pasta, etc. In short, you can use your imagination because this vegetable lends itself to many healthy recipes.

The Hidden Power of Kale: a Vegetable

The benefits and other virtues of kale are finally revealed! The virtues of kale are numerous but often unknown to the general public.

In addition to the many qualities of this little curly vegetable, here are some of its benefits that you probably do not know:

1. Promotes Digestion

The fibers contained in vegetables are of great importance in digestion. Consuming kale regularly will, therefore, allow you to no longer suffer from digestive disorders.

If you are regularly subject to constipation or its opposite, try kale, and you can get rid of it for a long time. It normalizes the consistency of the stool, which protects you from hemorrhoids.

If you suffer from constipation, also opt for prunes, which are an excellent natural laxative! If you want to keep the line or lose weight without any risk, bet everything on this little curly hair from the vegetable garden.

2. Lose Weight

It is the slimming ally par excellence. It contains very few calories, which means that you can consume it at will to benefit from its various properties.

You can therefore stop snacking between meals if that is your goal because kale accelerates satiety thanks to the fibers it contains.

You can thus balance your diet with this exceptional vegetable, which you will not be able to do without once tested.

3. Control Cholesterol

Thanks to the dietary fiber in kale, you can easily lower bad cholesterol levels if you want to eat a healthy diet.

People who have high cholesterol can therefore regulate it by simply consuming kale. It is a natural method that does not use drugs.

4. Rich in Antioxidants

The primary purpose of free radicals is to rid the body of dead cells. To optimize their production, you can count on regular consumption of kale.

Indeed, this vegetable normalizes its production and will thus allow the body's cells to be preserved.

The body will then develop better resistance to the agents responsible for infections. Take advantage of these antioxidant qualities and strengthen your immune system by consuming them.

In addition, it should be noted that goji berries also have similar benefits due to the richness of their antioxidant composition.

5. A Proven Benefit of Vision

Here is good news for the elderly and those who suffer from vision problems. While Kale won't give you Superman's incredible visual faculties, it turns out that.

Thanks to the vitamin A it contains, your eyes will now be a little better with regular consumption of this super vegetable.

For eagle vision, also opt for the consumption of cider vinegar. In addition, it also strengthens bones and teeth, thanks to vitamin K.

6. Strengthens the Immune Defenses

Kale contains quercetin, which is known to be a powerful antioxidant. Its action consists in strengthening the immune defenses and its effectiveness is doubled if it is associated with vitamin C.

This is a good reason to consume kale daily and in all its forms. Cooked or raw, in a salad or a smoothie, the choice is yours! However, specialists recommend steaming so as not to remove the vitamin C.

Kale-based Recipe Idea: Coleslaw

The kale salad is delicious and can be used as an appetizer as well as the main course if you want a lighter meal. Here's how you go about making it and enjoying it.

  • Preparation time: 25 minutes
  • Cooking time: 30 minutes
  • Difficulty: 1/5

Ingredients For Four People

  1. 60ml homemade mayonnaise
  2. 30 ml (2 tablespoons) cider vinegar
  3. 30ml (2 tbsp) olive oil
  4. 10 ml (2 teaspoons) old-fashioned mustard
  5. 2 liters (8 cups) of shredded kale, stem removed
  6. 2 green onions, minced
  7. 2 peeled carrots, grated
  8. Salt and pepper
  9. 125 ml (½ cup) toasted pecan halves, crushed


  1. Mix in a large bowl using a whisk of mayonnaise, oil, mustard, and vinegar.
  2. Add salt and pepper.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.
  4. Place in the fridge for 30 minutes to soften the kale.
  5. Adjust the seasoning according to preference.

That's it. That's all for this complete article on kale. All you have to do is run and buy some to put all these good tips into practice.

With its many benefits, kale: a vegetable, is the star that all our fridges dream of having and a precious ally for our bodies.



Traser Gold: The Kale: a Vegetable with Exceptional Properties
The Kale: a Vegetable with Exceptional Properties
virtues of kale,kale: a vegetable with exceptional properties,kale benefits,hidden benefits of kale,proven benefits of kale,kale: a vegetable,
Traser Gold
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