How to Cut your Hair? Tips for Your Own Hair-cutting

How to Cut your Hair? Tips for Your Own Hair-cutting

Forget all your worries, because you now know how to cut your hair. Tips for your own hair-cutting offer the possibility of redoing your cut without outside help.

Tips for Your Own Hair-cutting

Does the hairdresser's budget disturb your sleep every night? A very important appointment in an hour and no time to go to a professional? Do you always leave your usual hairdresser disappointed?

Hair-cutting Tips: When You're a Woman?

No more worrying about making yourself beautiful or handsome. Become a hairdresser with the best "hairstyle alone without limits" tips.

1. Choose the Right Material

It's convenient to use the right tools. They will make you feel like you are in a hair salon. There is no need for very expensive professional hairdressing equipment.

  1. Hairdressing scissors (taking the trouble to test them on a hair or a wig)
  2. A bristle brush
  3. A straight comb
  4. Rubber bands and a scrunchie
  5. Your bathroom mirror

2. Opt for a Simple but Elegant Cut

At your beginnings, do not choose to radically change a hairstyle. Why not redo your usual cut with a little touch of originality?

3. Adopt “step-by-step” Cutting

A small error in scissor cutting is easier to correct than a large, poorly trimmed clump. So it is better to evolve little by little until you reach the effect and the shape you are looking for.

4. Prepare the Hair Ground by Detangling It

Using the bristle brush, carefully brush the hair. This crucial step tells you the actual length of your hair. It also gives you a better overview of the result after each scissor cut.

Then, with the straight comb, define the parting, always keeping your attention on the mirror in front of you. A second mirror behind you gives you more detail on what your friends will see on the street.

5. Difference Between Dry cut and Wet cut

When the cut is made on dry hair, you have a direct preview of the result that you can correct immediately.

Moreover, on damp hair, the error can be made up more easily, but once dried, the hair will resume its natural texture. So for a first try and to avoid unpleasant surprises after drying, choose a dry cut.

6. Are you More of a Straight-cut?

For ladies who are just starting out, this haircut is the easiest to achieve. Here are some tips for your own hair-cutting:

  1. Sweep hair down your back in constant motions
  2. Make a ponytail using your rubber band
  3. Pull the elastic down to where you want your straight cut to end
  4. Now cut under the elastic with your scissors

7. For a Successful ''V'' Cut

Let's go a little further with the ''V'' cut. To achieve tips for your own hair-cutting, you will need:

  1. Start by dividing hair into two hemispheres that you bring over your chest, one followed by the other
  2. Keep the right inclination of your head according to the gradient you are objecting to
  3. Attach at the base each part with an elastic, which you slide to the desired level of cut
  4. Finally, cut the hair under your rubber band

8. The Secret of the ''U'' Cut

The principle of the “U” cut involves a series of straight cuts followed by a “V” cut. You then obtain a timidly degraded relief.

9. Care of the Tips - Method that Suits You

Depending on the texture of the hair, cutting the ends is not done according to the same procedure. To do this, ladies with straight hair:

  1. Separate your scalp into two equal parts, drawing a line using the straight comb
  2. Bring each hemisphere over your bust that you are going to tie with an elastic
  3. Cut under the elastic, and you are done again!

On the other hand, if you have a frizzy mane, you just have to grab each lock and pull out the tip, and you're done.

10. How to Make Your Bangs?

Do you want to shorten your bangs or maintain them without having to go to a hairdresser? The method here is very simple. One of the tips for your own hair-cutting is:

  1. After smoothing hair with a bristle brush, make a horizontal parting to isolate your bangs
  2. Hold the fringe isolated in this way against your forehead
  3. Using a comb, mark the height you want your bangs to have and cut the locks that are longer than the limit given by your comb

Here is your fringe, thus made of which you can pick a few locks with the end of the scissors for a more natural effect.

11. Other Way or Method

Originality never being too much, if you prefer your bangs on the side, here is the method:

  1. Isolate the part of your bangs that you want to touch up using the comb
  2. Make the bangs smoother, then hold them straight so you can see them well
  3. Cut the wick horizontally to the desired length

Grab this same section and gently pull it above your face to do the staking with the tip of your scissors. Slight touch-ups on the tips are enough.

12. The Famous LOB or Plunging Square

The LOB became popular again with Kendall Jenner in 2017. From then on, all the ladies wanted to own it.

For the more daring, here is the recipe for the plunging square:

  1. Distribute your previously washed hair on either side of the shoulders to better observe your work and give the right scissors
  2. First, reduce the length of the wicks, and then adjust them to the desired level. Indeed, cutting hair and following the right gestures is rarely successful in one try. So go gradually. Very good hairdressing scissors are also an asset in this exercise
  3. Raise your tufts of hair one by one to make sure they are straight
  4. Remember to maintain your LOB

For the final finishes, touch up the tips using hairdressing scissors or a blade. Make sure that the locks are of increasing length—longer from the front to the back—and fall over your shoulders.

13. Maintain Hair-cutting

Hair regrows randomly from woman to woman. However, it is up to everyone to maintain them, to keep their cut at the top without always having to resort to a specialist in the matter.

Do not hesitate to cut the tips if you have chosen to make a LOB. And now that you have the tricks to give yourself a great haircut, do it as much as you want!

If you don't have enough faith in your abilities to do hair, just ask someone close to you. The cut will have a better definition and give you confidence for the sessions to come.

Tips for Your Own Hair-Cutting: When You're a Man?

The first experience of self-hairdressing, if you can call it that, can be a great source of stress. However, you can guarantee yourself good results by following the basic rules of hairdressing for men.

You should not embark on a total makeover for the first time. Why not do your usual cut, maybe adding a few slight modifications?

1. Select Your Tools Well

Regarding the equipment, you will need to follow the given tips for your own hair-cutting:

  1. Hair clipper accompanied by the clogs supplied with
  2. Fine comb to easily comb your hair
  3. Clean shower towel
  4. Pocket mirror to better observe the rendering
  5. And let's go to the hairdresser for monthly or weekly hairdressing sessions!

2. Keep Your Mane Dry to Boot

The hair clipper is an electrical device; make sure your hair is dry. Otherwise, you risk experiencing a temporary "love at first sight."

3. The Practical Part, The Basic Rules

First, stand in front of your bathroom mirror. Then take your comb and the trimmer, after having aligned the hooves from largest to smallest.

Choose your shoe according to the desired cutting height:

  1. Hold the trimmer well tilted, following the relief of your head while shaving, moving from the neck towards the top of the skull. You should always finish your race overhead
  2. Shave your temples first and work your way up gradually before moving on to the back of your head
  3. For temples and limitations when finishing, use the electric trimmer without its comb

4. For a Brilliant Hitman Look

Do you want to adopt the zero-ball style? In this case, the procedure is quite simple:

  1. Using your mower, make a flush cut. This will make it easier for you to finish with the blade later
  2. Now run shaving gel all over your head
  3. Very gently, shave by moving the razor in the direction that your scalp follows. Repeat the same gesture a second or even a third time if this is not enough
  4. Dip your towel lightly to clean your well-shaven head now, then apply the aftershave

5. How to Cut Hair Alone and Well?

Some of the other tips for your own hair-cutting:

  1. Detangle your scalp from the neck to the top, bottom to top, using the comb
  2. Raise the strands of hair you want to cut using the comb and give a scissor-cut
  3. Make sure the comb protects the top of your head from clumsy scissors
  4. Watch your progress after a few cuts
  5. Adjust any irregularities you find
  6. Follow the same procedure for each of your temples
  7. Respect a cutting margin ranging from half to one centimeter

Changes on the top of your head are more easily noticed. A series of bad scissors could give you a rather eccentric look. Enjoy tips for your own hair-cutting.

After taking care of the temples and the top of your head, move on to the neck using the pocket mirror. It secures the result of your self-styling session.



Traser Gold: How to Cut your Hair? Tips for Your Own Hair-cutting
How to Cut your Hair? Tips for Your Own Hair-cutting
how to cut your hair? tips for your own hair-cutting,tips for your own hair-cutting,hair-cutting tips for man,hair-cutting tips for woman,hair-cut,
Traser Gold
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