The Best Seven Yoga Exercises for Relaxation

The Best Seven Yoga Exercises for Relaxation

In summer, the rise in temperature, especially temperature fluctuations, puts a lot of strain on our bodies. See the best seven yoga exercises for relaxation.

Our body defends itself against the heat by sweating, which involves fluid and salt loss, which causes our blood to thicken, causing increased strain on our kidneys and heart.

Additionally, vigorous activity and rapid breathing further increase fluid loss. From an Ayurvedic point of view, summer is the period of pitta (one of the components of our body type).

That, in connection with the element of fire, regulates our body temperature, metabolism, willpower, concentration, and intellectual abilities.

It is important to pay attention to it, as overheating can throw us out of balance and cause inflammation, acidity, and extreme emotional reactions (e.g., aggression, anger, shame, impatience, and frustration).

The Best Five Yoga Exercises for Relaxation

In addition to drinking enough fluids and eating a balanced diet. It is very important to relax our mind and body, thereby balancing the pitta dosa.

The most effective exercises are tilts to the side, twists, sitting poses, and long-lasting asanas that do not require effort.

We have collected the best 5+2 cooling and relaxing exercises. That helps balance the physical body and the nervous system, the pitta dosa, even when the temperature rises or changes suddenly.

While performing the exercises, pay attention to your deep breathing and the changes in your body. To achieve the best effect, hold the asanas for 10–15 breaths as you practice during yoga classes and Yin yoga classes.

1. Balasana: Child's Pose

Beneficial effects:

  1. Effectively relaxes and stretches our body
  2. It calms the nervous system and brain
  3. Energizes the liver, kidneys, and spleen
  4. It relaxes the waist muscles
  5. Stimulates blood supply to the head
  6. Relaxes facial muscles

Has a beneficial effect on the abdominal organs and digestion. From a kneeling seat, inhale, raise your hands high, stretch your body, then exhale, bending with a straight back.

We place our foreheads on the ground, our buttocks touch our heels, and we relax our shoulders, head, and neck. Our hands are extended either in front of us or with the palms facing down.

Or in a longitudinal direction next to our body with the palms facing upwards. When we inhale, our back widens, and when we exhale, it stretches. Let's take a deep breath and relax with yoga exercises for relaxation.

2. Paschimottanasana: Seated Forward Bend/Knee-forehead Stretch

Beneficial effects:

  1. It intensively stretches and relaxes our whole body
  2. Improves blood circulation
  3. It energizes the kidneys and pancreas
  4. Slimming effect
  5. It initiates the flow of life energy

From a stretched-out seat, inhale, raise your hands high, stretch your body, then exhale with a straight back and lean forward as far as you can. Try to grab our wrist, our other hand, our sole, our ankle, or whatever we can reach.

When inhaling, straighten your back and neck; when exhaling, stretch forward and try to touch your forehead to your legs and knees. Let's take a deep breath and relax with yoga exercises for relaxation.

3. Jathara Parivartanasana: Lying Twist

Beneficial effects:

  1. It stretches and relaxes our body
  2. Improves blood circulation
  3. Energizes the lower abdominal organs
  4. Stimulates the functioning of the liver, pancreas, and spleen
  5. Intensive detoxification
  6. Slimming effect

It relieves the stiffness of the lower back and hips and reduces pain. Let's lie on our backs with our legs outstretched and stretch our arms to the sides.

On inhalation, we slowly raise our left leg to a vertical position, and then on exhalation, we let it fall slowly towards our right side, touching the ground, while our shoulders remain on the ground and our body twists.

We can even approach the ground with our feet bent if performing the exercise with outstretched legs puts too much strain on our bodies.

Let's turn our heads to the right. Let's take a deep breath and relax! Let's do the exercise with our other leg as well.

4. Supta Baddha Konasana: Supine Butterfly/Pressed Angle Pose

Beneficial effects:

  1. It relaxes and stretches the body
  2. Alleviates gynecological and digestive complaints
  3. Improves blood circulation
  4. Energizes the lower abdominal organs
  5. It calms the nervous system
  6. Regulates blood pressure

Lie on your back, place your feet together, and bring your heels as close to your pelvis as you can. Stretch your back and relax.

Place your left hand on your heart and your right hand on your belly, or your palms on your inner thighs. Don't force the straddle; breathe deeply and let your thighs approach the ground by themselves.

According to another variation, place a lying block under your chest at the heart and an upright one under your head, as it is comfortable.

But your chin should never be higher than your forehead. Take a deep breath and relax with yoga exercises for relaxation.

5. Savasana: Corpse Pose

Beneficial effects:

  1. It relaxes the body
  2. It calms the nervous system
  3. Improves blood circulation
  4. Reduces stress and high blood pressure
  5. Has a beneficial effect on insomnia, depression
  6. It calms, relaxes, and balances

Lie down on your back on the ground and arrange your body parts symmetrically; both sides should lie evenly on the ground. Relax your muscles, and let your body sink into your mattress.

Calm your mind and senses, and let go of all the thoughts and feelings that arise. Listen inside! Breathe deeply! Good rest.

+Best Two Yoga Exercises for Relaxation

Their beneficial effects:

  1. Have a cooling effect on a physical level
  2. On a mental level, they calm the nervous system and the mind
  3. Reduce tension and stress
  4. Lower blood pressure
  5. Stimulates digestion (but do not do it immediately after a meal because it cools the body and reduces the fire of digestion)
  6. Reduces thirst and hunger
  7. Help with deep sleep
  8. They balance our emotions

1. Sitkari Pranayama: Hissing Breath

The word 'Sitkari' (सीतकरी) literally means a breathing technique that creates sound. Sit in a comfortable, cross-legged seat, straighten your back and neck, and relax your shoulders and hands.

Breathe deeply and watch the airflow through your lungs and through your nose. This helps you to look inward. Open your mouth slightly and touch your teeth.

Take a slow, deep breath through your teeth while making a hissing sound. Then close your lips Nod your head forward so that your chin touches your chest, and hold your breath for 6–8 seconds, or as long as it feels good.

Then raise your head and exhale slowly through your nose. Repeat the exercise 5–11 times (beginners 5 times). Listen inward and relax.

2. Sitali Pranayama: Cooling Breath

The word 'Sitali' (शीतली) means the breathing exercise that cools you down. Sit in a comfortable seat with your legs crossed, your back completely straight, and your head an extension of your spine; relax your shoulders and hands.

Breathe deeply and watch the airflow in and out through your nose. This helps you to look inward. Stick out your tongue and form a trough. If that doesn't work, practice Sitkari pranayama.

Take a deep, slow breath through the hole made with your tongue, then close your mouth, touch your chin to your upper chest, and hold your breath for 6–8 seconds or until it feels good.

Then raise your head and slowly blow out the air through your nostrils. Repeat the exercise 5–11 times (beginners 5 times). Listen inward and relax with yoga exercises for relaxation.


Pranayama a type of yoga also has a positive effect on our body in winter, as it calms the nervous system, but it is not recommended to practice it in extreme colds or when you have a cold.

Doing these exercises is extremely important in the summer heat, so we take care to include them in the yoga classes so you can learn their exact execution.



Traser Gold: The Best Seven Yoga Exercises for Relaxation
The Best Seven Yoga Exercises for Relaxation
best yoga exercises for relaxation, 7 yoga poses for relaxation, yoga for relaxation, sitkari pranayama, balasana, sitali pranayama, child's pose,
Traser Gold
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