The Top 20 Best Foods to Gain Weight Naturally

Top 20 Best Foods to Gain Weight Naturally

While weight loss seems to be the obsession of most people, some are struggling with weight gain issues too. The top 20 best foods to gain weight naturally.

Fat people may envy them, but being underweight can lower their self-esteem and hinder their looks.

Top 20 Foods to Gain Weight Naturally

However, when you are looking to gain weight naturally, you must do it healthily, without eating fat-laden and sugar-laden food and focusing on nutritious foods.

High-energy and high-nutrient foods make great options for weight gain. Here is a list of the top 20 foods to gain weight naturally and achieve healthy weight gain.

20. Shrimp

Shrimp is a healthy shellfish that is high in healthy fatty acids and carbohydrates. That makes it supportive of weight gain without having a detrimental effect on overall health.

19. Cornbread

This sweet bread is loaded with calories—as many as 300 of them in a single piece. So add it to your daily diet if you want to put on some extra weight.

18. Bagels

Next on the list of the top 20 best foods for healthy weight gain are bagels, which are not only very high in calories but also an excellent source of complex carbohydrates. Also, they are loved for their taste.

17. Chicken Breast

Though chicken breast is not exactly famous for its fat content, it is good for those looking to pack some extra calories into their daily diet and add to their weight more healthily.

16. Granola

Granola, being high in protein, sugars, and fiber, is another excellent food option for gaining weight without losing health. Have it with yogurt to pack some extra calories into your diet.

15. Avocados

Another favorite fruit for weight-gain enthusiasts is avocado, which is very high in calories in addition to being a rich source of vitamin E, potassium, and folate.

This makes it a great health and weight-gain supplement.

14. Brown Rice

Like whole-grain bread and pasta, brown rice is also a good source of carbohydrates, which makes it a good choice for healthy weight gain. It also improves digestion and lowers cholesterol.

13. Pasta

If you want to add to your daily calorie intake and healthily put on weight, pack in some pasta in your daily diet, as it boosts the carbohydrate intake for the body.

Cook it with some cheese and tomatoes for a delightful taste and extra calories.

12. High-sugar Fruits

Next among the top 20 foods for healthy weight gain are those high in natural sugar, such as mangoes, pineapples, and grapes.

You can also get beneficial minerals, vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants from these fruits.

11. Dried Fruits

Dried fruits are packed with calories, which is not an attribute of fresh fruits. By consuming dried fruits daily, you can pack in more nutrition and become heavier in a healthier manner.

10. Peanut Butter

A delicious way to gain weight naturally is to consume some peanut butter in your breakfast sandwich daily. Not only does it boost fat and calorie intake, but it also supplies protein to the body.

9. Eggs

Eggs, including the yolk, are a good way to gain weight naturally and healthily.

They provide good cholesterol along with healthy calories, protein, and vitamins A, D, and E. Make them a part of your breakfast and become fit and healthy.

8. Salmon

Including salmon in your diet, twice a week can make your weight gain healthy because it is high in minerals and proteins and a healthier option to replace red meat.

Salmon also boosts immunity and is suitable for the heart.

7. Bananas

Bananas make the best fruit for weight gain and are a source of instant energy. Additionally, they furnish carbohydrates, potassium, calcium, and numerous other nutrients.

6. Red Meat

Next on the list of the top 20 foods for healthy weight gain is red meat because it is high in fat as well as minerals.

It is also a hefty source of calories but should be consumed in moderation, as excessive consumption can lead to other health problems.

5. Butter

Those looking to put on some extra weight quickly can use butter as the cooking medium instead of olive oil or other healthy cooking oils.

100 g of butter can give as much as 80 g of fat, which means that butter is one of the best weight-gain foods. But be warned about its harmful effects on health when consumed in excess.

4. Whole Milk

Whole milk is a delicious and healthy way to put on weight, and many people looking to do it substitute skim milk with whole milk.

Whole milk is a good source of healthy fat as well as calories, in addition to vitamins. Just ditch skim milk and switch to whole milk if you want to get some extra pounds on you.

3. Potatoes

People who want to lose weight are suggested to stay away from potatoes because they are dense in carbohydrates, and for this very reason, they make excellent food for weight gain.

Potatoes are also rich in vitamin C and fiber, making them great for health.

2. Cheese

Another super food for healthy weight gain is cheese, which not only gives you a hefty supply of healthy fat but is also a good source of minerals and vitamins, making it an excellent health food.

It is also high in protein and can be added to food in a versatile manner, with several varieties available.

1. Whole-grain Bread

Whole-grain bread, which is loaded with fiber and good carbohydrates. It is regarded as one of the best foods to gain weight naturally and healthily.

On the other hand, white bread should be avoided because it is nothing but empty calories. Consume these foods daily and enjoy a healthy weight gain.



Traser Gold: The Top 20 Best Foods to Gain Weight Naturally
The Top 20 Best Foods to Gain Weight Naturally
top 20 best foods to gain weight naturally,top 20 foods for weight gain,top 20 foods for gain weight,foods for gain weight,foods for weight gain,
Traser Gold
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