Best Gym Equipment Exercises to Tone Your Abs

Best Gym Equipment Exercises to Tone Your Abs

Achieving perfectly toned abs is a fitness goal that many aspire to attain (see the best gym equipment exercises to tone your abs).

In this article, we'll examine the top abdominal workouts or exercises to tone your abs. That's what you may do with gym equipment to achieve that coveted toned appearance.

Regardless of whether you're a fitness enthusiast or you're just getting started on the path to a more defined midsection, get there.

Best Gym Exercises to Tone Your Abs

These exercises will give you the direction and information necessary to successfully target your core muscles and attain the required results.

Prepare to put more effort into your stomach and reveal a stronger (exercises to tone your abs) toned you:

1. Hanging Knee Raise Targets

Hang fully extended from a chin-up bar, palms facing out, and your hands a little farther than shoulder-width apart.

Raise your knees toward your chest, curling your pelvis upward at the end. Make it harder by keeping your feet straight instead of bending your knees.

2. Incline and Reverse Targets

Lie on an incline board with your hips lower than your head. Hold the bar behind your head for support, or simply grip the sides of the bench.

Bend your knees slightly and hold your legs together. Raise your knees to your chest by lifting your hips and crunching them inward. Pause and lower your hips back down to start.

3. Straight Leg Raise Targets

Lie face-up on a bench with your glutes at its edge. Spread your legs, keeping them parallel to the floor. Hold the edges of the bench at or near your hips.

Keeping your feet as straight as possible, slowly raise them until you are in a jackknife position. Your head and shoulders shouldn’t move.

Make sure you do all the tasks. Unfold your body slowly, lowering your legs back to the starting position.

4. Seated Ab Crunch Targets

Sit on the edge of a stable chair or bench. Place your hands in front of your buttocks and grip the sides of the seat.

Lean back slightly and extend your feet down and apart, keeping your heels 4 to 6 inches above the floor. To begin the exercise, bend your knees and slowly raise your feet toward your chest.

Also, lean forward with your upper body, bringing your chest closer to your thighs (exercises to tone your abs).

5. Oblique Hanging Leg Raise Targets

Grab a chin-up bar with an overhand grip and hang from it at arm’s length, with your knees bent (exercises to tone your abs).

Keep your knees bent and raise your right hip toward your right armpit until your lower legs are almost parallel to the floor. Pause, then return to the starting position and lift your left hip toward your right armpit.

6. Captain’s Chair Targets

Stabilize your upper body by gripping the hand holds and pressing your lower back against the back pad. The starting position begins with you holding your body up with your legs dangling below.

Bring your legs up to your chest gradually. The motion should be controlled and deliberate as you bring the knees up and return them to the starting position.

7. Stability Ball Crunch Targets

Lie face up on a stability ball, ball under the lower back, with knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Cross your arms across your chest, feet flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart.

Draw the navel in, tighten the glutes, and slowly crunch the upper body forward, raising the shoulders off the ball and tucking the chin into the chest. Slowly lower your upper body over the ball.

8. Bar Crunch Targets

Hold a body bar, arms shoulder-width apart, and lie on a bench with your knees bent and your feet together. Extend your arms so the bar is directly above your chest.

Without bending your elbows, crunch up by lifting your upper back and shoulders off the bench and extending the bar to the ceiling. Slowly return to the start.

9. Medicine Ball Crunch Targets

Lie face-up with knees bent and feet flat, holding a ball between palms with arms extended on the floor behind the head.

Curl your head and shoulders off the floor, raising MB overhead and then in front of you as you sit up. Return to the starting position, raising the ball overhead as you lower your torso to the floor.

10. Standing Cable Crunch Targets

Attach a rope handle to a high cable pulley. Stand with your back to a weight stack and hold the ends of the rope behind your head. Crunch down.

11. Medicine Ball Blast Targets

Set an adjustable bench at a 45-degree angle. Lie down on it with your head toward the floor, and hook your feet under the padded support bars.

Hold a medicine ball at your chest as you lower yourself, back flat on the bench. As you come up, throw the ball straight over your head. Catch it at the top of the movement, then lower yourself and repeat.

12. Long-arm, Weighted Crunch Targets

Lie on your back with your knees bent. Hold a light dumbbell in each hand and extend your arms straight behind you. Crunch your rib cage toward your pelvis.

13. Medicine Ball Decline Crunch Targets

Sit on a decline bench with your feet hooked underneath the rollers and hold a medicine ball at your chest with both hands, elbows close to your sides.

Slowly curl back along the bench, placing one vertebra at a time on the pad. When your back is fully extended along the bench, slowly curl up one vertebra at a time to come back to the starting position.

14. Stability Ball Hip Thrust Targets

Lie face-up on the floor with your knees bent and lifted over your hips, and place a stability ball between your knees. Extend your arms along your sides.

Exhale and tuck your pelvis to engage the lower abs, curling your knees and ball toward your head and up toward the ceiling. When your hips are a few inches off the mat, slowly uncurl and return to the starting position.

15. Stability Ball Knee Raise Targets

Lie face-up on a stability ball with your hips lower than your shoulders. Reach back and grab something stable, such as a bench.

Lift and bend your knees so that your feet are off the floor and the lower parts of your legs point ahead. Using your abs and hip flexors, bring your knees toward your chest.

16. Cable Rotation Targets

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly flexed, and toes pointing straight ahead. Hold a cable with both hands directly in front of the chest, arms extended, and shoulder blades retracted and depressed.

Draw the navel in, tighten the glutes, and rotate the body away from the weight stack using the abdominals and glutes. Allow the back foot to pivot. Slowly return to the start.

17. Stability Ball Upper Body Rotation Targets

Place your feet on the ground shoulder-width apart and lean back on SB. Place your palms together and extend your arms towards the sky.

With your shoulders centered on top of the ball, rotate your torso and arms to the right, return to the center, and rotate to the opposite side.

18. Weighted One-Side Crunch Targets

Lie with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor (exercises to tone your abs). Hold a dumbbell with both hands by your left shoulder.

Turn your torso upward and rotate to the right. Lower yourself down, finish the set, and then repeat with the dumbbell next to your right shoulder.

19. Standing Torso Rotation Targets

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees soft. Hold a dumbbell with both hands, extending your arms straight out in front of you at about shoulder height.

Contract your abs and twist to your right as far as comfortably possible, keeping your arms straight as you go. Reverse the motion by rotating all the way to your left to complete one rep.

20. Bus Driver/Medicine Ball Rotation Targets

Sit with knees bent and together, feet flat, and hold a weighted ball in front of you. Lean back slightly and rest lightly on your heels, or lift your legs completely up.

Rotate from side to side, touching the ball to the floor each time (turn your head to look where you’re touching).

21. Stability Ball Roll-Out Targets

Begin by placing your forearms on a ball and balancing your feet on the ground. This will look and feel like an inclined plank.

When you’ve mastered balancing on the ball, slowly roll the ball away from you by extending your arms out to a comfortable position. Roll back to your starting position.

22. Stability Ball Pike Targets

With your feet down, support your body in a push-up position with your lower legs on a ball. Raise your hips as high as you can toward the ceiling as you contract your abs. Hold, and then slowly release back to the starting position.

23. Stability Ball Tuck Targets

Start in a pushup position with your palms flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart, and your shins on a stability ball.

When only your toes are on the ball, pull your knees toward your chest while maintaining a flat back and a tight core. Straighten your legs to roll the ball back to the start.

24. Stability Ball Crunch and Twist Targets

Sit on the stability ball facing the wall, then lie back so the middle to the small of your back is resting on the ball.

Place your feet hip-width apart with your knees bent to 90 degrees; cross your hands over your chest. Curl up and twist through the waist to the right, return to the center, and curl down. Alternate.


Don’t forget that nutrition contributes to more than half (possibly even 80%) of the results (exercises to tone your abs). Without eating the right stuff and maybe penciling in some cardio, too.

Those infamous “six-pack abs” won’t happen, regardless of how many medicine ball crunches and pikes get done. May also like: What are The Best Exercises to Tone  Your Abs at Home?



Traser Gold: Best Gym Equipment Exercises to Tone Your Abs
Best Gym Equipment Exercises to Tone Your Abs
best gym equipment exercises to tone your abs,gym exercises to tone your abs,best equipment exercises for abs,abs exercises at gym,gym abs exercises,
Traser Gold
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