Top 10 Best Home Remedies for Stomach Worms

Top 10 Best Home Remedies for Stomach Worms

“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or a slower form of poison.” View here the top 10 best home remedies for stomach worms.

Intestinal worms are parasites that enter a human’s gastrointestinal tract via the mouth. These insects include millions of species.

The most common are roundworms, pinworms (which usually affect the baby's intestine), tapeworms, hookworms, threadworms, and whipworms; the list goes on. Causes include poor hygiene and a poor sanitary living environment.

Being transmitted directly from person to person via ingesting fecally contaminated food, ingesting raw or undercooked meat, poultry, or fish, or being carried by a vector such as flies.

Top 10 Best Home Remedies for Stomach Worms

These remedies for stomach worms trigger diversified symptoms:

  • a) Gastrointestinal manifestations: abdominal pain/colic, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery (bloody diarrhea), and anal itching (pruritus).
  • b) Extra-intestinal manifestations: like fever; lung involvement in cases of widespread roundworm or hookworm infections.

It causes cough, shortness of breath, blood-tinged sputum (hemoptysis), muscle pain or myalgias, fatigue, and anemia (worms feed on red blood cells).

In severe cases, the central nervous system inflammation like meningitis and encephalitis. Due to the various manifestations, they challenge the physicians with a fiddly diagnosis.

Here are the top 10 best home remedies for stomach worms:

1. Papaya Seeds

Suffering from that collywobbles is misery! The papaya seeds are a classic anti-helminthic remedy and slay the worms efficiently.

Make a paste from these seeds by blending them in a blender, or alternatively, crush the seeds with a mortar and pestle. Take about half a teaspoon of this paste on an empty stomach, and then gobble down a papaya.

Soon you will notice all the killed worms expelling out of your intestine in feces. Commence slowly and build up gradually until effective results are observed.

2. Bishop’s Weed/Carom/Ajwain

Ingest some jaggery (aka gur), approximately 25–30 grams. After 15–30 minutes, take about 1 tablespoon of carom or ajwain powder and swallow it with some water.

You must be wondering why you should use sugary jaggery, though it is an ideal food for stomach termites to breed on. The ploy here is to allure the worms towards the loaded sugar first.

Then, while they are active in your bowels guzzling up the sugar, you exterminate them with the carom. Repeat four to five times to wipe out those blood-sucking, energy-sucking dragons.

3. Carrots

Grate the carrots, mix the grated carrots with honey, and consume about 1 tablespoon of this concoction first thing in the morning on an empty stomach as well as before hitting the bed.

Carrots are laden with vitamin A and beta-carotene, both of which defend against worm larvae (eggs) invasion. Grated carrots with honey, rich in vitamin A, combat stomach worm invasion. Consume 1 tablespoon daily.

4. Bitter Gourd Seeds

Grab a handful of bitter gourd seeds (or karela seeds). After thoroughly rinsing and drying them, crush the seeds and take 1 tablespoon of this powder on an empty stomach.

  • Crushed bitter gourd seeds: 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach, to help eliminate worms effectively.
  • Optimal bitter gourd seed use: grab, rinse, dry, and crush into a powder. Consume 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach for worm elimination.

5. Pumpkin Seeds

Mash the pumpkin seeds and ingest 1 tablespoon of mashed seeds in the morning. Reiterate while awaiting successful outcomes.

Ingest 1 tablespoon of mashed pumpkin seeds in the morning for repeated worm elimination attempts. Consume 1 tablespoon of mashed pumpkin seeds every morning for persistent efforts at eliminating worms, repeating the process for effectiveness.

6. Oregano Oil

Oregano is a common spice or herb found in almost all kitchens nowadays. It has powerful anti-oxidant and anti-parasitic properties, making it one of the most effective remedies for stomach worms.

Some studies suggest that oregano oil is efficient in cleansing your digestive system of worms. You can easily find oregano oil at a good grocery store or herbal store in the aisle of essential oils.

7. Garlic

Garlic is also a recognizable anti-parasitic home remedy. Grab around four garlic cloves and chop them. Mix the chopped cloves with some juice (if intolerant of their pungent taste), or else you can nibble them as they are.

Incorporate this tip into your regular routine for at least 2–3 weeks, and the worms will soon succumb to death!

8. Onions

Onions are sulfur-containing veggies, which renders them another anti-parasitic agent. Eat them daily in a fasting state for complete eradication of the maggots.

Sulfur-rich onions, eaten daily in a fasting state, aid in the complete eradication of intestinal worms. Harness onions' sulfur content as an anti-parasitic agent. Consume it daily in a fasting state for comprehensive eradication of it.

9. Castor Oil and Milk

Fill a glass with warm milk and add 1 tablespoon of castor oil to it. Drink this oiled milk daily for at least a week to eliminate the intestinal worms.

Castor oil acts as a stimulant, laxative, and cleansing detergent to banish the vermin out of your entrails. Drink warm milk with 1 tablespoon of castor oil daily for a week to stimulate cleansing and eliminate worms.

10. Embrace Adequate Hygienic Methods

A final word of advice: treatment without prevention is unsustainable! Hence, slot in adequate hygienic methods on a day-to-day basis. Wash hands thoroughly before eating or cooking anything, not to mention after using the restroom as well.

Always ensure that the vegetable or fruit you are consuming is soil- and dirt-free. Assure that meat, poultry, or fish is well cooked. Maintain a clean pantry and refrigerator.

In Conclusion

Top home remedies for stomach worms are feasible with nature's arsenal. Papaya seeds, rich in enzymes, aid digestion, and worm expulsion.

Carrots, abundant in vitamin A, create a hostile environment for worm larvae. Pumpkin seeds and their active compounds contribute to effective elimination.

The potent anti-parasitic properties of garlic make it a valuable ally in worm eradication. Sulfur-rich onions, consumed daily in fasting states, act as a barrier against intestinal invaders.

Embracing these home remedies offers a holistic approach to addressing stomach worm infestations and promoting digestive health and overall well-being through natural, accessible solutions.



Traser Gold: Top 10 Best Home Remedies for Stomach Worms
Top 10 Best Home Remedies for Stomach Worms
top 10 best home remedies for stomach worms,10 home remedies for stomach worms,what are remedies for stomach worms,to get rid of stomach worms,
Traser Gold
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