How to Treat Broken Nails? Best Treatment for Cracked Nails

How to Treat Broken Nails Best Treatment for Cracked Nails

Nails are the second-most common part of your body that contributes to your skin’s health and beauty. How do you treat broken nails? The best natural treatment for cracked nails.

It is as hard to take care of the nails as they appear. As a woman, it is always a high priority to take care of my nails properly.

Treatment for Cracked Nails: Broken Nails

And besides, just beautifying, healthy nails are a sign of a healthy you. And if your concern is regarding how to treat broken nails, here we have today’s talk specific to your concern.

There are several reasons why you have your nails cracked. This may occur due to a deficiency of vitamins or some other health factors.

Main Causes of Cracked and Broken Nails

If this has become so common to your eyes, you better start taking some effective initiative towards looking into the problem and correcting it.


The leading and most common reason to experience broken nails is the presence of moisture in the nail plate. Nails expand after being exposed to moisture for a long time, and when they dry, they start breaking.

Physical Pressure

Another cause of cracking nails is if you are doing a heavy-duty job and most of the time you have to use your hands, which often damages the plates or edges of your nails.

Chemical Agents

Using concentrated nail paint removers too often may be another cause of it. And if you are a housewife and spend most of your time on laundry, then mind keeping your hands in the detergent for too long; the detergent is the key cause in your case.

Fungal Infection

Fungal infection is most commonly observed in toenails due to their interaction with dust. Why? because feet are the only organs that are always connected to the ground.

Nonetheless, fungi can occasionally pierce the keratin protein's protective barrier, which results in nail breakage.


If you are suffering from psoriasis, you may have seen it quite a few times. Nails tend to break, split, crumble, and crack, which becomes incurable. Psoriasis types, causes, treatments, etc.

Best Natural Treatment for Cracked Nails

In this health guide to How to treat broken nails or how to cure nails split naturally, we have all combined solutions following oral and external applications.

Along with some remedies, we have mentioned some dos and don’ts that need to be taken care of.

1. Put on Gloves

When being involved in some household chores, you need to make sure to put on protection before doing the dishes or washing the clothes.

Stay more cautious when your daily work includes detergents, gardening, peeling some hard stuff, or regular use of hand sanitizer (especially antibacterial agents).

The best way to prevent damage is to wear gloves; these days, there are a variety of them available online. You can buy a pair that fits your liking.

2. Vitamin E Oil

Since vitamin deficiency is the primary cause of nail disorders, vitamin E is a proven treatment to prevent split and cracked nails.

It provides much-needed moisture to the nails and strengthens them from inside and out, nourishing the cuticles.

Apply Vita E oil daily and massage gently with your fingertips. It is best to practice it before you sink into bed. It should be regularly repeated for a couple of weeks.

3. A Biotin-rich Diet

Start adding some cooked or boiled eggs, avocados, or liver to your diet. These foods are a great source of biotin, which helps your nails fight weakness and repair the cuticles. Biotin is a natural supplement that is also available on the market.

4. Olive Oil

Olive oil is a treatment for cracked nails that can be taken orally in the morning or applied externally to the nails. It wouldn’t be a surprise to know.

You may consume a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil daily or soak your fingernails in it for 10–15 minutes per day.

Your nails will start improving and eventually get the much-needed strength. Olive oil fights dryness, nourishes the nail tips with moisture and is a tough competitor to the synthesized ointments, gels, and creams offering nail protection.

5. Multivitamin Diet

Apart from vitamin E, you should also keep up with vitamin C and vitamin A. Lack of both of these vital nutrients can also lead to the same stressful situation: dry and brittle nails.

A protein diet also needs to be taken alongside calcium and vitamins. Citrus fruits are packed with vitamin C, and for protein fulfillment, we prefer eating eggs and fish.

6. No More Polish Remover

It is never a good idea to put different nail colors on and regularly wipe them out with some instant remover. Chemicals are chemicals, after all.

Thus, the more you apply and remove your nail polish using some acetone-flooded remove, the more you are prone to getting badly dried and damaged nails.

Try opting for easy nail paint wipes that can be obtained from a chemist or cosmetic store if you are a fanatic about trying different colors on your nails.

7. Nails Massage

A regular 5 to 10-minute massage can save you from taking any extra steps. To strengthen them and help your nails grow without any further problems, keep messaging regularly.

This fastens and regulates the blood flow and helps the cuticles stay moisturized. The best deal is to put some coconut oil or olive oil in it, as we mentioned above.

8. Drink Water

There is no question why we put water on the list. Lack of water leads to dehydration, and oxygen deprivation harms nails. Little-known benefits of staying hydrated.

Not just for skin, hair, and damaged cells, water is the natural hydrant and the easiest and most affordable treatment for cracked nails.

There is no time limit or the best time to drink water, to lead an overall healthy life, or to keep drinking enough water as long as you live.

9. Tea Tree Oil

Nails become brittle because of fungal infections. Tea tree oil acts as an anti-fungal, anti-fungal, and antiseptic agent, beating the fungal elements and keeping the nails beautified.

It is most efficacious when mixed with vitamin E oil. Take 1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil and half a teaspoon of tea tree oil. Mix the solution and massage it with your fingertips.

Let it stay on your nails after you’re done massaging. You can wash your hands for 30 minutes later with lukewarm water and wipe your hands with a soft cotton cloth or towel.

10. Sea Salt

Sea salt is another natural remedy that prevents your nails from getting brittle. It affects the cuticles vitally and gives lustrous looks to add to your nails’ beauty.

Take a bowl of warm water and put some fine-grain sea salt in it. Wheat germ oil, lemon essential oil, or frankincense would play a perky role in fastening the repair process.

Put your hands in the warm water containing those essential oils and let them soak in the nutrients for at least 15 minutes. Keep repeating the process for 2-3 weeks in continuation.


Though the methods for natural treatment for cracked nails are as rare as the problem, it is indeed important for you to look after yourself if you have a presentable personality.

Well, everyone is these days; keeping your beauty on a shiny and healthy scale, these were some measured tips on the best treatment for cracked nails.



Traser Gold: How to Treat Broken Nails? Best Treatment for Cracked Nails
How to Treat Broken Nails? Best Treatment for Cracked Nails
how to treat broken nails,best treatment for cracked nails,how care of nails,tips for broken or cracked nails,treatment for cracked nails,treat nails,
Traser Gold
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