Some Little Known Benefits of Staying Hydrated or Water

Some Little Known Benefits of Staying Hydrated or Water

Most of us must have heard the advice to drink more and more water (some little-known benefits of staying hydrated or water).

The adage is - "eight glasses a day" but oftentimes those who repeat that recommendation simply say to do it because it is good for you. Won’t deny that water is good for you.

Benefits of Staying Hydrated or Water

Your body is made up of about two-thirds water, so it logically follows that it plays a huge role in maintaining bodily functions.

If you're not convinced, let's shed light on that argument and provide some solid evidence supporting the need to keep your body hydrated and get the benefits of staying hydrated.

. Support Detox

Before you jump in on the latest trendy juice cleanser, take a look at your water consumption. Proper hydration is required for your natural detox pathway to function optimally.

These pathways include the elimination of waste (urine, sweat, and feces). Even minor dehydration can cause the cells to pull water from the bloodstream, making the kidneys work harder to extract waste from the blood.

. Power the Brain

The same mild dehydration can pull water from your brain cells as well and this can lead to a whole host of issues.

Your brain is sensitive to ionic (Na+, K+, etc.) balance, which is kept in check through proper hydration.

Dehydration can cause headaches. Multiple studies have shown that simply drinking water can reduce the length and intensity of headaches.

This is why drinking water and getting the benefits of staying hydrated when you’re hungover works so well. Dehydration can also impact cognitive tasks.

Studies on groups of well-hydrated and dehydrated individuals showed that the hydrated group performed better on cognitive tests and was able to maintain focus longer.

Got a big test you are studying for? It’s a good idea to make sure you are hydrated beforehand.

. Aid Digestion

Dehydration can be a cause of constipation. Sure, we’re told to eat more fiber to help pass waste through our system, but rarely are we told to drink more water to get the benefits of staying hydrated.

This goes back to the fact that water can be pulled from the digestive tract to support other, more important physiological tasks. As a result, the stool is not softened enough to encourage proper elimination.

. Lessen Stress

Our bodies are under enough stress the way it is and even a mild dehydrated state can elevate the stress hormone cortisol.

All the more reason to drink up and prevent further accumulation of fat around the midsection, one of the effects of elevated levels of cortisol on the body.

. Fight Fatigue

A stressed, dehydrated body is going to do no favors for your energy levels. All of the body’s natural processes rely on water to function optimally, and being in a state of dehydration requires the body to work harder to continue to function.

Things like a reduction in blood volume can cause the heart to struggle to keep the blood circulating optimally.

As a result, oxygen and nutrients aren’t delivered as efficiently to your tissues, including the brain, which can lead to an overall feeling of fatigue.

. Curb Hunger

While I’m not a huge fan of tricking your body into thinking it’s full, water can curtail your hunger and cravings.

A glass or two of water before (not during as you can dilute enzymes necessary for digestion) has been shown to reduce the amount eaten at mealtime.

Drinking water can also be effective late at night when all you want is a snack to reduce those hunger pangs.

One important thing to note is that dehydration can manifest itself as hunger, especially in the morning after a night of fluid loss (through respiration), so you may be doing your body good by reaching for water instead of food.

This is why feel it is extremely important to start hydrating upon waking up. We must drink at least 30 - 35 ounces of water in the morning before anything else. And that's why often your "appetite" can be missing.

. Athletic Performance

Your muscle tissue is around 75% water so keeping muscles hydrated during exercise is a no-brainer. Even mild hydration can result in a reduction of Vo2 max and overall strength.

Your muscles depend on that ionic balance to properly and non-stop blood flow to receive oxygenated blood.

Not to mention that dehydration can lead to a decrease in sweat rate and an increase in core temperature causing the body to work harder to support vital functions and not your athletic endeavors.

In addition, hydration is essential to lubricate the joints ensure that nutrients are delivered to cells after exercise, and aid in recovery by reducing inflammation.

In addition, water helps build the structures of protein and glycogen, which are necessary for repair and replenishment.


At this point, it shouldn’t be in question that it’s important to keep your body hydrated, but how much water do you need?

It’s probably more than the prescribed eight glasses (64 ounces), but much of that can depend on your environment and how active you are.

If you undertake periods of high activity in hot conditions you will need to consume more fluids (and electrolytes) than someone lying on the couch in the air conditioning watching TV.

Your body has this amazing mechanism called thirst to tell you when you need more fluids so I recommended learning to read those signs to know when to drink rather than try to gulp down some prescribed daily intake.

Overconsumption of water can lead to hyponatremia, where the body’s sodium levels drop because of too much fluid intake. 

This is common in endurance athletes and pounding water out of fear of dehydration can have dangerous consequences such as heart, liver, and kidney failure.

In summary, drink when you wake. Drink when you’re hungry, tired, or sore. Drink when it’s hot, when you’re working out, or when you have a headache.

Drink until you’re no longer thirsty to get the benefits of staying hydrated. Yes, it’s so simple! You may also like - Top 7 Healthiest Drinks Forever



Traser Gold: Some Little Known Benefits of Staying Hydrated or Water
Some Little Known Benefits of Staying Hydrated or Water
benefits of staying hydrated, h2o benefits, benefits of drinking water, what bebefits you get from water, stay hydrated benefits, importance of water,
Traser Gold
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