The Top Seven Healthiest Drinks Forever and the Recipes

The top Seven Healthiest Drinks Forever and the Recipes

Everyone’s got their favorite drinks, and usually, they’re booze, coffee, or coke. View the top seven healthiest drinks forever and the recipe.

There is nothing wrong with that; between them, they make the world go round. But in between all that stuff, there’s a world of easy-to-make, delightful-to-drink beverages crying out for attention.

Top Seven Healthiest Drinks Forever

Check out these seven below, tailor-made to taste terrific and make you feel great (especially handy in the morning after the night before). The top seven healthiest drinks forever are given below:

1. Hot Water and Lemon

Ideal drinking time: just woke up. A classic aid to digestion, used for centuries across many cultures. Drink first thing in the morning and this simple cup of piping hot water with the juice of 1/2 a lemon squeezed into it.

It will wake you up, get your metabolism going, and give you a healthy kick of vitamin C into the bargain.

This drink recipe is for two people:

  1. 1 lemon, squeezed
  2. Boiled water

  • Get a lemon squeezer (or use your hand), squeeze the lemon, and pour half into each cup/glass). We prefer using glasses as it’s more elegant, just watch they don’t crack
  • Add the water and you’re done
  • Also, try slicing some fresh ginger and adding that to the mix
  • Try making it in a teapot and you can drink a few cups over a longer time

2. Fresh Mint Tea

Ideal drinking time: This has to be the easiest way to enjoy a classy and novel hot drink that‘s bound to impress your friends if you serve it after dinner.

Mint is another classic digestive, as well as a sedative and disinfectant. It is reputed to help with everything from indigestion and diarrhea to the flu and headaches.

Recipe for two people:

  1. A large handful of fresh mint leaves
  2. Boiled water

  • Put the leaves in a teapot or a couple of cups or glasses
  • Add the water, leave to infuse for 5 or 10 minutes and you’re good to go

3. Melon and Mango Smoothie

Ideal drinking time: breakfast. Mangoes have to be one of the best fruits. When they are good, they are the bomb! Blend them up with some ripe melon and banana, and you cannot go wrong.

Packed full of vitamins A, C, and B6, and potassium, this beautiful smoothie will help your blood, bones, heart, nerves, kidneys, and immune system.

Plus, it puts you in a good mood thanks to the serotonin-producing tryptophan in the bananas! Enjoy the top seven healthiest drinks forever.

Recipe for two: NB All the fruit must be ripe and juicy

  1. 1 medium mango (a non-stringy variety; the smoother the better, like R2E2 or Calypso)
  2. 1/4 large honeydew/casaba melon (or rockmelon if that’s what you have)
  3. 1 medium banana
  4. 4 ice cubes
  5. 1 cup cold, filtered water

  • Peel the mango—I prefer using a sharp knife and peeling it like a potato, but there are many methods—and remove the stone.
  • Chop into a few bits and put in the blender.
  • Roughly chop the melon and add that, along with the banana
  • Add the ice cubes and water
  • Blend for around 2 minutes and drink immediately

4. Orange and Banana Smooth Juice

Ideal drinking time: breakfast or on an empty stomach. Banana and Orange Smoothie—drink me, baby! This is a cross between a smoothie and a juice, which we first discovered as a complete accident.

We were coming off a lemon detox, and it was the only fruit in the house. Packed with a similar vitamin combination as the melon and mango smoothies (A, C, and B6) and potassium.

This is the sweetest, sharpest, and most drinkable liquid on this side of a cold beer or glass of Burgundy.

Recipe for two: NB All the fruit must be ripe and juicy

  1. 5 large oranges
  2. 2 medium bananas
  3. 4 ice cubes

  • Juice the oranges with a hand juicer
  • Pour the orange juice into a blender, add the bananas, and add the ice cubes
  • Blend for 1 minute and drink straight away

5. Green Vegetable/Carrot/Apple and Pear Juice

Ideal drinking time: any time. It's a green, lean, cleansing machine. Green vegetable juices get a bit of a bad press in the taste department, but this little beauty sets the record straight once and for all.

For the green, you can use broccoli, kale, spinach, Asian greens, Chinese water spinach, or anything green and somewhat leafy.

Packed with iron, beta-carotene, vitamin C, carotenoids, and sulforaphane, this is anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-aging, and very pro-health.

This Recipe for 3 or 4 people:

  1. Small head of broccoli
  2. 1 bunch of kale, spinach, Asian greens, or a combination as you choose
  3. 1-kilo carrots (preferably organic as they taste so much sweeter)
  4. 2 apples
  5. 1 pear

  • Get your juicer out and feed all the ingredients into it one by one
  • This will take around 1 liter
  • Chuck a few ice cubes into your jug and you’re off

6. All Natural Protein Shake

Ideal drinking time: post-heavy run/workout or great for breakfast. Back when my granddad was a youngster, drinking raw eggs was run of the mill.

Nowadays, the thought scares some people. Fair enough, but as the adage goes, ‘it’s never done me any harm.

On the contrary, we’ve found this delicious smoothie of raw eggs, soy milk, walnuts, and bananas works wonders in repairing muscle damage after a long run or heavy workout.

Packed with protein from eggs, soy, and walnuts, and topped up with the potassium and sweet flavor of the banana, you’ll be amazed at how great it tastes.

Recipe for two people:

  1. 250 ml organic soy milk
  2. 1 large, ripe banana
  3. 1 handful of walnuts
  4. 3 fresh, organic raw eggs
  5. 2 ice cubes
  6. 1 cup water

  • Put all the ingredients in a blender, and blend for two minutes.
  • Drink immediately

7. Water

No list of the most life-enhancing drinks would be complete without water, one of the top seven healthiest drinks forever.

Still, Evian or sparkling San Pellegrino would have to be my favorite. But indulgences aside, good old plain tap water is the lifeblood of any healthy body or mind.

And filtered with a Brita or such, it tastes even better. Drink a pint first thing in the morning (before your hot lemon) and keep drinking all day.


Get a glass bottle for work (some say plastic bottles give off tiny plastic residues; times that by every day of your life, and it’s probably not the best).

The top seven healthiest drinks forever and the recipe. San Pellegrino is a tasty-looking green bottle, and you should empty it three times a day.



Traser Gold: The Top Seven Healthiest Drinks Forever and the Recipes
The Top Seven Healthiest Drinks Forever and the Recipes
the top seven healthiest drinks forever,seven healthiest drinks,top healthiest drinks,top seven healthy drinks,health drinks, healthiest drinks,
Traser Gold
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