How to Build a Stomach? Best Ab Exercises for Women

How to Build a Stomach? Best Ab Exercises for Women

Who does not dream of having a flat and attractive stomach? How to build a stomach? The best ab exercises for women.

But contrary to popular belief, there is no need to deprive yourself of delicious meals to refine your waist and admire yourself in front of the mirror. You have to get into fitness!

The Best Ab Exercises for Women

A balanced diet and our top 10 ab exercises for women are more than enough to get the flat stomach and figure of your dreams.

All you have to do is lie down on your mat for 20 minutes to sweat and burn as many calories as possible with our ab exercises for women.

1. The Very Popular Plank Exercise

Although it is very easy as an exercise due to the simplicity of the posture required, it is nonetheless effective in burning abdominal fat. The plank exercise also helps tone your tummy more.

To Achieve It

Consistent practice enhances core strength and overall stability. To execute the plank exercise effectively:

  1. Begin by lying on your mat, supporting your upper body on your elbows spaced shoulder-width apart.
  2. Simultaneously, straighten your legs, using your toes as additional support.
  3. Maintain a straight torso, avoiding the elevation of your buttocks or sagging pelvis.
  4. Engage your core by contracting your stomach muscles, ensuring a stabilized posture.
  5. Keep your knees from making contact with the ground throughout the exercise.

Start with a 45- to 60-second hold, repeating 3 to 4 times with 20 to 30 seconds of rest between sets. Gradually increase the duration over time.

Advanced practitioners can extend the hold to two minutes or more for an intensified burn. Elevate the challenge by incorporating a backpack with books or using a 10 to 15-kg disc.

2. The Side Plank Exercise

Very effective for burning belly fat and building up your obliques, the side plank is a variation of the classic plank exercise.

To Achieve It

How do you effectively perform these ab exercises for women at home on your mat?

  1. To start, lie on your side, then lean on your palms with your arms outstretched, taking the trouble to lift your pelvis off the ground.
  2. Keep your belly contracted and maintain this posture for 60 minutes, or even more for stubborn women.
  3. Perform the same exercise facing the opposite side to work both obliques.
  4. To increase the difficulty and, at the same time, maximize the results, hold the posture by folding one leg.

The side plank is an exercise to be performed alternately with the classic plank to stimulate all of the abdominal muscles.

3. The Movements of the Mountain Climber

This exercise owes its name to the movement it involves, similar to that of extreme athletes who climb cliffs. In this case, the gesture is done horizontally instead of vertically. Here is the decryption of its campaign.

To Achieve It

It must also be recognized that this exercise is quite demanding on the heart, which also represents good cardio.

  1. First, stretch your arms and pull yourself up, then bring your legs closer to the elbows, one after the other.
  2. It's bending them up so that your knee is closest to the elbow, then bringing them back to the original position, alternating.

In this movement, remember to control your breathing by keeping your stomach contracted and feeling your obliques move.

Practice 4 to 5 sets of this movement for good results in a few months, with 15 to 20 repetitions on each leg.

4. The Prat Balance Exercise

In addition to being a very fun exercise, because it plays on balance, gluteal abs are a great way to eliminate abdominal fat. They require good self-control, especially posture, to obtain optimal results.

To Achieve It

  1. Start by lying on your back on a mat.
  2. Then, raise your bust and take your legs off the ground, about 30 cm high.
  3. Finally, contract your stomach as much as possible, allowing you to hold your legs back without straining your thighs, and maintain this posture.

It's even more interesting to keep your hands in front of you, like reading an open book.

5. The Twisted Gluteal Balance

This exercise is almost similar to the classic gluteal balance, involving the right abdominal muscles. However, this variation targets the obliques much more, for a fuller effect.

To Achieve It

Remember that it is your stomach that holds you back and not your lower back, at the risk of having lower back pain.

  1. Keep the same posture of the gluteal balance, this time involving the movement of the legs.
  2. With a weighted ball in hand or a 5 to 10 kg disc, bring your right leg towards the chest, rotating the bust to the left.
  3. Then alternate.

The movement must be done so that you can feel the obliques move with each rotation, to burn as many calories as possible on this site.

6. The Movements of the Bust Statement

The bust-up exercise, which is very popular but not always successful in body movements, mainly helps build muscle in the rectus muscles, giving rise to the famous chocolate bars.

To make them appear, it will be necessary to eliminate a maximum of fats at this level.

To Achieve It

Breath control is crucial during the bust exercise. Exhale during thoracic elevation and inhale as you lower your shoulders.

Execute 15 to 20 repetitions, or 4 to 5 for beginners. To perform effective bust exercises:

  1. While lying on your back, engage the perineum and lift your feet off the ground.
  2. Elevate your upper body, interlocking your fingers behind your neck, maintaining a forward gaze, or aligning with your knees.

Common mistakes include directing the bust toward the knees instead of lifting the rib cage, tucking the chin unnecessarily, and relying on hand force rather than utilizing abdominal muscles.

Mastering proper form enhances the effectiveness of the movement and minimizes strain on the neck. Focus on controlled breathing and precise movement for optimal results.

7. The Practice of Abdominal Breathing

This basic breathing exercise works the abdominal muscles in depth, in addition to helping you relax. Two birds with one stone, right?!

To Achieve It

Sports at work? It is also possible to practice deep breathing while seated at work at any time and with complete discretion.

  1. Lie on your back, legs straight or bent as you choose, keeping your arms along your body.
  2. Once the correct position has been adopted, take a deep breath, which will make your belly swell to the maximum.
  3. Then, proceed to exhalation by truly pressing the lower back to the ground.
  4. In this way, expel the accumulated air till you feel your stomach contracting inward.

Repeat the same exercise, keeping control for 3 seconds, then 5 seconds, and so on. Performing this exercise seven to eight times is a significant effort if you want to work your deep stomach.

8. Leg Lifts

Leg lifts are an exercise involving breath control as well as the synchronous movement of the legs and trunk. They mainly solicit the rectus abdominis to bring out the chocolate bars.

To Achieve It

  1. First of all, lie down on the mat with your legs and arms straight.
  2. Hands along the body or above the head, contract your belly to use it to raise your stretched legs by touching your ankles with your hands.
  3. The movement is correctly performed when you feel the burn in your stomach.

Also, remember to exhale as you raise your chest to reach your ankles. There is no question of using the back to straighten up during the leg lifts.

9. Lateral Flexions with Dumbbells

It does not require too many dumbbells for optimal results in a few weeks. For you, ladies, 5 kg dumbbells are already sufficient.

To Achieve It

This exercise is best for targeting the obliques and effectively eliminating bulges or love handles.

  1. Stand up straight and keep a dumbbell in each hand, arms straight and completely relaxed.
  2. Your feet remain apart at the same height as your shoulders.
  3. The movement consists of bending to the side, leaning on the thorax rather than the lower body.
  4. You must then use the contraction of the belly to return to the initial position, not your lower back.

Similarly, you have to use your hands as a simple hook instead of exerting force to hold the dumbbells. Perform the movement alternately on each side in several sets of 10 repetitions.

10. Lateral Flexions On the Mat

As its name suggests, this exercise mainly works the oblique muscles for a slimmer silhouette and more visible stomach.

To Achieve It

It's based on the same concept as dumbbell side-bends, with a few minor twists.

  1. Take your bust off the mat without exerting tension on the neck.
  2. Then, bend to the sides, alternating from left to right, so that your hand touches the ankle with each bend.

It is done lying down with the knees bent towards the sky, the arms stretched along the body, and no need for dumbbells.

11. Hanging Leg Lift

The practice of this exercise confers a certain elegance when you properly respect its gestures. It allows you to work the entire abdominal strap and obtain the maximum definition.

To Achieve It

It is the lower abdominal muscles (at the bottom of the belly) that are responsible for raising your thighs towards the bust.

  1. Hold on to a fixed bar and let your body hang, your hands serving only as a hook. It is therefore not a question of soliciting your arm muscles to maintain you.
  2. It is now a question of raising your knees towards your bust by performing a movement of the hips without forcing it at this level.

It is important to feel the contraction of the lower abdominals before gradually relaxing your legs and returning to the initial position.

12. Varied Suspended Leg Raise

These are two variants of the previous ab exercises for women that allow you to work other complementary muscles to refine your silhouette!

To Achieve It

The first variant of this ab exercise for women consists of:

  1. Raising the knees towards the chest and performing the asynchronous rotary movement on the side.
  2. Then return to the starting position, and thus alternate the movement to the left and then to the right.
  3. A second variation of the suspended leg raise is to raise your legs, keeping them stretched straight ahead, and contract your lower belly.

In this one of the ab exercises for women, your body should form a 90-degree angle before relaxing and returning to the starting position.


These are some simple ab exercises for women, which can be done at home or in the gym, to maintain and even lose belly fat, depending on the intensity adopted.

And if you don't like this 'ab exercises for women' physical activity, we advise you to read this article, which will help you choose the sports gym exercises that suit you the most!



Traser Gold: How to Build a Stomach? Best Ab Exercises for Women
How to Build a Stomach? Best Ab Exercises for Women
how to build stomach, best ab exercises for women,best ab exercises for women,ab exercises for women,stomach exercises for women,exercises for women,
Traser Gold
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