Chronic Fatigue: Syndrome, Causes and Treatment

Chronic Fatigue: Syndrome, Causes and Treatment

Everyone can have a slump at one time or another. It's completely normal to be tired after intense exertion or at the end of a hard day (Chronic fatigue: syndrome, causes, and treatment).

But when fatigue becomes excessive or even persistent, it should not be taken lightly. It may be a syndrome or heavy fatigue, which can be compared to a state of permanent flux.

What should we know about this disease? What are the causes? What treatments exist? Let's go for a little health focus.

Definition of Chronic Fatigue

It's also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, an easily recognizable pathology. Indeed, if you are very tired and if it has been going on for several months, you may be a victim of its syndrome.

Anyone of any age can be a victim of acute fatigue, but this pathology is more common in females.

People who suffer from it are permanently exhausted and find it difficult to do everyday activities. For example, you will find it difficult to go out with your friends, work, or play sports.

Moreover, the person who suffers from permanent fatigue does not find satisfaction even when resting because he is often the victim of insomnia. The only good thing about the disease is that it's not contagious or hereditary.

The manifestations of excessive fatigue are quite variable from one person to another, which is why it's not really possible to list all the symptoms.

Causes of Chronic Fatigue

Recurrent fatigue does not develop in the same way in all people, which makes it difficult to identify the causes that could be at the root.

However, it is possible to identify a few sources of this disease:

1. Constipation

It is responsible for many pathologies, and acute fatigue is not excluded. (Think about treating it with natural remedies such as prunes!)

2. The Liver

It can be overstretched by poor diet, tobacco, or drugs. In addition, an unhealthy liver can also be the basis of permanent fatigue.

3. Too Much Effort and Stress

By adopting a lifestyle centered on the deployment of intense physical effort, the risks are very high of being the victim of great fatigue when the pressure is released.

4. Emotions

The vast majority of pathologies have an emotional cause, even if this is not always verified.

It is no coincidence that the disease often occurs in women over 40 years old. For the most part, at this age, they are very committed professionally and even overloaded.

5. A Bad Diet

It may be hard to believe, but if you eat badly, you have a good chance of being a victim of persistent fatigue.

6. An Infection

It may seem surprising, but certain fungi or other parasites can cause intense fatigue. It is then necessary to treat the problem at its source to put an end to it and return to a normal state.

Other Causes of Chronic Fatigue

Some health experts also believe that being tired can also be caused by a virus or bacteria. Indeed, this could justify the response of the immune system, which then results in intense fatigue.

Others suggest that the ailment could also have been caused by such things as:

  • Exposure to pesticides and insecticides
  • A physical injury
  • Vaccines
  • Polluting substances

The Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue

In general, people who suffer from this syndrome also show some signs of depression.

The best way to conclude that a person suffers from this pathology is to identify at least four symptoms among the following:

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Short-term memory problems
  • Muscle pain
  • Pain in the joints
  • Sore throat
  • Unusual headaches
  • Poor sleep quality
  • Difficulty doing physical exercise
  • Overwork

Several medical tests are therefore carried out on the suffering person before concluding that it is a case of this disease syndrome. In children, the signs can vary from day to day.

It is possible to diagnose severe fatigue in children if the symptoms have been apparent for more than one trimester. In some cases, there may be complications, especially in adults.

Some people can no longer lead a stable professional life following burnout and are therefore forced to stay in bed.

Chronic Fatigue: Natural Treatment

Faced with great fatigue, it is then necessary to consider solutions to cure this problem. Several means exist, but the ideal would be to opt for natural treatments, which are generally known for their success.

Here are some of the best natural methods we recommend for overcoming chronic fatigue:

1. Sleep Well

Quality sleep is the best solution to persistent fatigue. For this, we recommend that you sleep at regular times. Read to get a natural night's sleep.

The trend is certainly screens, and everyone taps them all day long, but you absolutely must avoid them late at night.

Instead, you can, for example, read a book or have a relaxing massage. Similarly, taking tobacco, coffee, and other stimulants before sleeping is strictly prohibited.

To find out more, take a look at our article, which will tell you the different techniques to fall asleep quickly!

2. Eat Well

A good diet is generally the basis of perfect health. Give pride of place to fish, seasonal fruits, and vegetables in your diet.

Avoid excessive consumption of sugar, fast food dishes, or tobacco as much as possible. Consume energy-rich foods such as honey, Goji berries, dried fruits, etc.

3. Rest Well

Fatigue is very energy-intensive, which is why you absolutely must rest when needed. There are various possibilities for this.

For example, you can do breathing exercises. In the same vein, meditation is also a good way to relax the muscles of the body.

4. Cognitive-behavioral Therapy

This is a technique that will allow you to get rid of the negative thoughts that you ruminate.

Many people who suffer from this disease have already tried these therapies and have nothing but good things to say about them. The ideal would be to seek a specialist in this type of therapy to be properly followed.

5. Playing Sports

No need to exert intense effort if you are not able to keep up. A simple physical activity—even a brisk walk for a few minutes—can do you a lot of good.

Do not hesitate; you can take the stairs instead of the elevator to get some exercise.

Drug Treatments

Even if, on the side of medicine, it is difficult to truly treat persistent fatigue, various products exist in pharmacies to regain good health. These are mostly drugs composed of:

  1. Vitamins
  2. Mineral salts

In general, drugs containing vitamin C are prescribed for people who feel tired as soon as they wake up.

In a few cases, and especially for people who put a lot of strain on their brains, it is possible to use stimulants. Abuse is discouraged in any case because the consequences can be complex later.


Strictly speaking, there is no drug to fight against it, but doctors recommend specialized consultations that allow you to better identify the problem.

If you suffer from it, do not hesitate to follow these tips and/or consult a doctor to improve your quality of life. You may also like: What are the Food Triggers for Migraine Headaches?



Traser Gold: Chronic Fatigue: Syndrome, Causes and Treatment
Chronic Fatigue: Syndrome, Causes and Treatment
chronic fatigue syndrome causws and treatment,chronic fatigue causes and tratment,syndrome of chronic fatigue,treatment of chronic fatigue,fatigue,
Traser Gold
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