Properties and Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Properties and Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Many people like to consume chocolate, and several studies have revealed its benefits and taught us a lot about the place of this food in a healthy diet. See the properties and health benefits of dark chocolate.

It is obvious that after reading this article on the benefits of dark chocolate, you will not see a bar of chocolate, especially dark chocolate. World consumption is estimated at a few thousand tons, which is nothing.

If you are one of those rare people who does not have a particular attraction for chocolate, this article will certainly change your mind.

Properties and Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

To take advantage of all the virtues of dark chocolate, you should not fall back on the first tablet lying around. According to specialists, cocoa must be present in a minimum proportion of 60%. Here are some of its virtues:

1. Great for Memory and Thinking (like coffee)

A team of scientists from Syracuse University has successfully demonstrated the benefits of consuming a certain amount of dark chocolate. You may not believe it, but it can boost your intellectual abilities.

Here is the trick to adopt for your next exams, especially if you are subject to great stress. With a small bar of dark chocolate, it's a guaranteed zen attitude.

2. Effective Against Depression

When you feel a temporary or permanent loss of form, the best thing to do is to bite into a piece of dark chocolate.

Indeed, there is little doubt that thanks to the beneficial effects of dark chocolate, you will regain your good mood. Don't forget this tip the next time you're down.

3. Good for Sleep

Forget sleepless nights now, thanks to dark chocolate. The researchers at the University of Northumbria in England say so.

You will sleep like a newborn thanks to the effects of serotonin, which will relax all your muscles. Why not provide a small tablet next to your bed to eat just before sleeping? Have fun, and don't be ashamed of it.

4. Lowers Blood Pressure

If you have a weak heart, the goodness of dark chocolate can give it a boost. Make regular consumption to escape cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack or high blood pressure.

Note that it can be challenging to associate the notions of delight and good health, so take advantage of it!

5. Fight Against-aging

Thanks to its antioxidant properties, your body will be able to fight more effectively against free radicals.

Dark chocolate is therefore the new elixir of youth. Besides, you don't need to face great dangers to be able to enjoy it. What luck!

6. Preserve Your Memory

It is very common to see the elderly have a bar of chocolate handy. Researchers at Harvard University have been able to demonstrate, among the benefits of dark chocolate, that it allows the elderly to maintain their intellectual abilities.

7. Make You a Champion

The benefits of dark chocolate are well-known in the sports world. Indeed, athletes consume it regularly, which has the effect of reducing cortisol in the body.

You will no longer feel the cramps, which can only boost your performance. A lot of information is circulating about the benefits of dark chocolate, which will undoubtedly allow you to change your habits and consume more of it.

Harms of Dark Chocolate

The benefits of dark chocolate should not be an excuse to overindulge. You could very quickly regret it because the consequences that can result from it are numerous.

Here's what you need to know about the harmful effects of dark chocolate:

1. Liver Crisis

A bar of dark chocolate is a food rich in saturated fatty acids, which can easily increase in excess. The gallbladder is then overwhelmed with work, which creates pain and contractions.

2. The Reflux of Acidity

The muscles of the esophagus can easily relax under the effects of substances such as cocoa and theobromine contained in dark chocolate.

In cases of excess, you may have an acidic taste in your mouth. Also, if you have ulcers, watch your chocolate intake.

3. The Formation of Gallstones and Kidney Stones

This is due to the high content of dark chocolate in oxalates, which can create clusters in the kidneys or gallbladder.

4. Weight Gain

Using the benefits of dark chocolate as an excuse, you can easily gain weight without realizing it. Indeed, a chocolate bar contains many calories, i.e., 550 kcal per 100 grams.

5. Migraine

Beware of too much consumption; otherwise, you will have the impression that your head will explode like a balloon.

You now know everything about dark chocolate and its benefits. Don't feel guilty about going to a chocolate factory anymore! Eat dark chocolate, but in moderation, of course!

Other Benefits of Dark Chocolate

In the lot, you have to know how to separate things because some of them are related to constipation. Indeed, many consumers wonder if their cute sin can be responsible for causing constipation.

If you are part of this lot and you are waiting for a verdict, know that it is not. Dark chocolate is not responsible for constipation.

It's even quite the opposite because it can be used to promote transit. Here is an additional reason to consume it, but it must be recognized that the bitter taste can put some people off.

In this case, it is always possible to choose other varieties, such as white chocolate or milk chocolate, which have the same benefits as dark chocolate.

Varieties and Flavors of Dark Chocolate

In addition, dark chocolate exists in many varieties if you wish, for example, to discover other flavors:

  1. With fleur de sel
  2. Raspberry
  3. Caramel
  4. With salted butter

In short, dark chocolate is not responsible for constipation because it contains fiber. In addition, tannins promote intestinal transit. If you are a victim of constipation, it could be due to several reasons

  1. You suffer from dyspepsia, and therefore there is no link between chocolate consumption and
  2. You have eaten too much dark chocolate after a very rich meal

Prefer the consumption of prunes to fight against constipation! What are the consequences for our health if we eat too much dark chocolate?



Traser Gold: Properties and Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate
Properties and Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate
properties and health benefits of dark chocolate, dark and white chocolates, chocolate benefits, properties of chocolate, chocolates health benefits,
Traser Gold
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