Five Things About Vipassana Meditation

Five Things About Vipassana Meditation

One who has been practicing this meditation for a few years now has learned a few things. See what five things about vipassana meditation can be learned and remembered while practicing.

Five Things About Vipassana Meditation

What do people say when you mention a ten-day silent meditation?

  1. Not talk for 10 days; I could never do that!
  2. With only two meals a day, I’d be starving
  3. No way could I get up at 4.30 every day
  4. It sounds like some kind of weirdo cult
  5. What, no mobile, no email?? What's that?

But before we go back a bit about what Vipassana is and what it isn't, here are five things about Vipassana meditation and a brief overview of what it involves.

What is Vipassana Meditation?

This meditation is the authentic, traditional form that Buddha taught people to meditate in the sixth century BC in India. It has been transmitted from teacher to pupil over the years.

Cross the Legs, Clear the Mind

To start practicing these 5 things about vipassana meditation, everyone must sit in a 10-day residential or at-home session. Why 10 days?

Understanding the technique properly takes time, and to get the desired benefits from Vipassana, you must practice it correctly. This 10-day period teaches you how to do that.

Things to Avoid for the Next 10 Days

  1. No talking, mobiles, reading, watching TV, or listening to music
  2. Food and lodging are provided free of charge
  3. Participants must agree to stick to the daily schedule

  • Up at 4:30, meditate in various sessions all day
  • Eat breakfast at 6:30
  • Lunch at 11
  • Fruit at 16.30
  • Bed at 21:30
  • Do not leave the meditation center

Participating in this meditation retreat may initially evoke apprehension due to its strict rules and immersive nature.

However, the structured 10-day program offers a solution to this apparent madness. Graduates often report a transformative shift in perspective, fostering balance, mindfulness, and increased happiness in daily life.

Personally, embracing Vipassana has been a rewarding technique, influencing a daily commitment to quiet reflection.

This experience has inspired insights, leading to the compilation of five essential aspects for those considering a 10-day Vipassana course.

1. Vipassana Promotes Mastery of the Mind and Clarity of Thought

Vipassana is all about observing yourself and looking inside your own body and mind for solutions.

As part of this process, you gain an understanding of why sometimes you don’t have any control over things like losing your temper, getting nervous, or making dumb knee-jerk reactions.

Through the self-observation of meditation, you gradually start to gain mastery of these emotions, resulting in greater clarity of thought and more balanced behavior in many everyday situations.

2. It's Completely Free—Financially and for Covert Purposes

When first considering setting up a Vipassana course, many thought it was a cult or a scam.

One of the main things that convinced someone otherwise was the fact that it's completely free for everyone, no matter how many courses you sit, where in the world you sit them, or how long they are.

Naturally, donations are accepted, but the choice is always 100% yours, without any pressure.

3. Not Talking Isn't That Hard

Everyone thinks that not talking for 10 days will be impossible! But after the course, most people realized that it didn’t bother them. Strange as it sounds, once you get started on the technique, there’s no time for talking…

4. Vipassana is Not a Religion

There’s no deity worship in Vipassana, no concept of deferring to a god or an almighty being.

You focus only on the internal; you hold all the answers to your questions; you are your salvation; and you don’t look to any external power.

So it’s completely non-secular and open to people of any religion or faith, plus, of course, those of us who don’t hold any religious beliefs.

5. Vipassana Wants You to Be Happy

One of the things about vipassana meditation is that the Guru of this meditation is Goenka and a key mantra of this meditation is ‘be happy.'

Of course, ‘happiness’ is a very subjective concept, but the ultimate aim of Vipassana is to help you live a happy life that doesn’t harm you or others.

And if you’re happy, you spread happiness to others around you, creating a virtuous circle of... well, happiness!

Vipassana courses are held completely free of charge all over the world in dozens of official Vipassana centers. If anyone wants to charge you for Vipassana, don’t pay; it’s a con and not Vipassana.


Embarking on a Vipassana meditation journey unfolds as a profound exploration of self and reality. As one delves into the rigorous 10-day course, the initial uncertainties give way to a transformative experience.

The structured practice instills a fresh outlook, fostering balance and mindfulness in daily life. Having integrated Vipassana into my routine, the enduring benefits underline its significance.

For those considering this meditation path, understanding these five important aspects demystifies the process.

It also illuminates the potential for personal growth and well-being through the practice of Vipassana meditation. You may also like: The 7-Chakra Meditation and Healing Guide



Traser Gold: Five Things About Vipassana Meditation
Five Things About Vipassana Meditation
vipassana meditation,about vipassana meditation,5-things about vipassana meditation,five things about vipassana meditation,what is vipassana,
Traser Gold
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