How About Losing Weight?

How About Losing Weight?

Being overweight causes a lot of health problems, such as heart attacks, strokes, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and others. If yes, how about losing weight?

Every day, many men and women decide to participate in weight-loss programs or use their plans to reduce their weight.

How about losing weight? Unfortunately, most of them cannot keep on, and they go back to their old eating habits.

How About Losing Weight?

The reason for stopping might be a lack of motive, a lack of self-control, or an inability to get used to the new habit of eating healthy and exercising.

Moreover, they are unaware of the health problems of being overweight or simply being lazy. Whatever the reason, the final picture is of a person who tried to help himself or herself but wasn’t capable of keeping it up.

For any weight-loss plan to be effective, it must be based on the following:

  1. Mental preparation and self-motivation
  2. A good, healthy food plan
  3. Aerobic exercise

Mental Preparation and Self-Motivation

Understanding the health consequences of being overweight is crucial. It can lead to severe issues like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, and even cancer.

Confronting this reality becomes a pivotal moment where a strong internal decision must be made: change eating and lifestyle habits or face potential health crises and an early demise.

Mentally preparing for this transformation involves envisioning the adverse effects of obesity, immobilization, and battling multiple health problems.

This mental rehearsal serves as a powerful motivator, compelling individuals to commit to a life-altering shift. The focus shifts towards preventing illness, improving self-esteem, and enhancing overall health.

It becomes a guiding force, recognizing what is beneficial for health and deterring any thoughts of detrimental food choices.

With unwavering commitment, the path to a healthier lifestyle begins, establishing a foundation for lasting well-being and positive transformation.

A Good, Healthy Food Plan

Very simple and easy to understand. Without going into many complicated explanations about each food and the calories in each food that we eat.

Let’s talk 'how about losing weight.' First, give a quick idea about the calories as follows:

The regular body needs about 2000 to 2500 calories a day to function normally; the overweight person will need more calories.

  1. Each one-gram protein or one-gram carbohydrate produces 4 calories
  2. Each gram of fat has 9 calories
  3. Every 3500 calories which are not used by the body will add one pound to the body weight
  4. Every 3500 calories used will reduce the body weight by one pound

As you see, eating more food with a lot of calories without doing enough activity or exercise to burn all the calories will cause an increase in body weight.

1. Weight and Calories: Measure

Now to know how much weight we want to lose weekly. Let’s say we lose one pound a week; this pound is equal to 3500 calories.

This means we want to reduce our intake of calories, which we eat, by 3500 calories a week. Or about 500 calories per day reduction in our eaten food that contains these 500 calories.

Know that vegetables contain a lot of essential nutrients, the fewest calories, and a lot of fiber. This should get our serious attention and encourage us to eat more vegetables of all colors.

So we can get nutrition without gaining weight. The easy way to have a good balance in our meals is to use the 2:1:1 method.

That means our plate should contain 50% of the weight of vegetables. 25% carbs and 25% protein; the drink should be water, and the dessert should be fruit.

2. What Should Not Eat to Lose Weight

Let’s just simplify the issue and decide what we should eat and what we should not eat. In simple words, our body needs food and water to survive and function.

But when we eat more than we need, we gain weight, and when we eat less than we need, we lose weight.

  1. No sugar
  2. No soda
  3. No commercial juice
  4. No processed food containing sugar or fat
  5. No potato chips
  6. No Cigarettes

3. What Foods Should Be Reduced

  1. Reduce Honey
  2. The fruit, which contains a lot of sugar (search the internet about the fruit you eat)
  3. Salt
  4. Milk: use only skim milk with no fat
  5. Reduce the Saturated fat to less than 10% of your daily planned calories suitable for your weight
  6. Reduce your Unsaturated fat to less than 20% of your daily planned calories suitable to your weight
  7. Reduce or stop your coffee

Eat mostly at home or take your healthy lunch with you to work to make sure that you are following the rules of your weight loss plan.

4. What Foods to Eat

  1. A lot of vegetables, different kinds with different colors
  2. Try to search the internet for the fruit that contains the least sugar.
  3. Skinless chicken breast, about 4-6 ounces daily, boiled or grilled; Never fried
  4. Olive oil, about one tablespoon daily with your salad

Aerobic Exercise

Daily aerobic exercise or fast walking for about 30 minutes daily.

You may buy a small scale to measure the quantity of food to eat and to make sure that every meal contains 50 vegetables, 25% protein, and 25% carbohydrates.

Part of the 25% protein may be found in various kinds of beans or lentils. So, it doesn’t have to be all of it from a poultry source.

Each morning, record your weight to observe your progress and make any required modifications to your diet to reduce or increase your daily weight.


How about losing weight? The success of your weight loss plan depends on you and you alone. Think about how good you will feel when you get rid of the extra weight you don’t want.

Always encourage yourself to keep going with your plan and feel happy with what you are doing. Feel that you can free yourself from what may hurt you and cause you a lot of sickness and misery later in life.



Traser Gold: How About Losing Weight?
How About Losing Weight?
how about losing weight,about losing weight,understanding about losing weight,what to eat for losing weight,what do not eat for losing weight,calorie,
Traser Gold
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