All about the Cow Face Pose or Gomukhasana (गोमुखासन)

All about the Cow Face Pose or Gomukhasana (गोमुखासन)
Can't you see the cow's face? Note that the crossed legs look like lips. Arms with elbows bent, one up and one down. And the upper hand is near the ear. All about the cow face pose, or gomukhasana (गोमुखासन).

Gomukhasana (go-mukha-asana), as Sanskrit: गोमुखासन; as IAST: Gomukhasana or Cow Face Pose, is in the form of an asana.

All about the Cow Face Pose or Gomukhasana

The name comes from the Sanskrit words Go (गो, Go) meaning “cow”, Mukha (मुख, Mukha) meaning “face” or “mouth”, and Asana (आसन, Asana) meaning “posture” or "pose.”

The word go also means "light," so Gomukh can mean the face, the light of the face, or the lightness of the head. See below the steps to perform the cow face pose or Gomukhasana.

To Perform the Cow Face Pose or Gomukhasana Step-by-Step

The asana got its name because the thighs and calves of the person performing it resemble the face of a cow, wide at one end and narrow towards the other.

1st. Step:

Sit in Dandasana (Staff Pose), bend your knees, and put your feet on the floor. Slide your left foot under the right knee to the outside of the right hip.

Then cross your right leg over the left, hinge the right knee over the left, and bring the right foot to the outside of the left hip.

Try to keep the heels at an equal distance from the hips. Keeping the right leg up, you will want to bring the right heel closer to the left hip. Sit evenly on the sitting bones.

2nd. Step:

Inhale and extend your right arm straight out to the right, parallel to the floor. Rotate your arm inwardly. The thumb will first turn toward the floor, then point toward the wall behind you, with the palm facing the upper side.

This movement will roll your right shoulder slightly up and forward and move around your upper back.

On a full exhale, rotate the arm behind your torso and rest the forearm in the hollow of your lower back, with the right elbow on the right side of your torso, parallel to your waist.

Roll your shoulders back and down, then work your forearms up your back until they're parallel to your spine. The back of your hand will be between the shoulder blades. See that your right elbow does not slide off the right side of your torso.

3rd. Step:

Now inhale and extend your left arm straight ahead, parallel to the floor, pointing towards the opposite wall. Turn the palm up, and on another exhale, raise the arm straight up toward the ceiling, palm facing back.

Actively lift with your left arm, then, on an exhale, bend the elbow and reach down for the right arm. If possible, trap the right and left fingers.

4th. Step:

Raise the left elbow towards the ceiling and lower the right elbow from the side to the back. Tuck your shoulder blades into your back ribs and lift your chest. Try to keep the left hand right next to the left side of your head.

5th. Step:

Stay in this pose for about 1 minute. Release arms, open legs, and repeat, reversing arms and legs, for the same length of time. Remember that whichever leg is up, that same arm is down.

Benefits of this Pose

Benefits of the cow face pose, or Gomukhasana, are stretching ankles, thighs, and bums; shoulders; armpits and triceps; and the chest.

Pose Information

  1. Sanskrit Name: गोमुखासन (Gomukhasana)
  2. Pose Level: 1
  3. Contraindications and precautions: Severe neck or shoulder problems

Anatomical Focus

  1. Ankles
  2. Hips
  3. Thighs
  4. Shoulders
  5. Chest

Preparatory Poses

  1. Baddha Konasana
  2. Supta Virasana
  3. Supta Baddha Konasana
  4. Supta Padangusthasana
  5. Upavistha Konasana
  6. Virasana

Follow-Up Poses

  1. Ardha Matsyendrasana
  2. Bharadvajasana
  3. Garudasana
  4. Marichyasana III
  5. Padmasana
  6. Paschimottanasana
  7. Upavistha Konasana

Modifications and Props

Gomukhasana, a challenging pose for those with tight shoulders unable to clasp their hands, offers a remedy through the use of a strap.

Begin by placing the strap over the shoulder of the lower arm and, in step 2, swing the arm behind the back, sliding the forearm as high as possible while keeping the elbow close to the armpit.

Lower the strap's loose end to catch up. In step 3, extend the other arm overhead, reaching down the back for the strap's opposite end.

Pull with the top arm, aiming to stretch the lower arm upward. Attempt to connect the hands behind the back, acknowledging potential asymmetry.

It's essential to note that achieving a firm grip on one side may differ from the other, emphasizing the need for awareness in this intricate yoga pose modification.

Deepen the Pose

You can increase the stretch in this pose if you are a bit more flexible in the shoulders and armpits by moving your hands away from the back of your torso.

Beginner’s Tip

Beginners often have difficulty getting both sitting bones to rest evenly on the floor, which can make it difficult to stack the knees evenly on top of each other.

When the pelvis is tilted, the spine is not able to extend properly. Use a folded blanket or bolster to raise your sitting bones off the floor and support them evenly.


A partner can help you increase the stretch in the back of the upper arm. Let him stand behind you as you do the pose (in this example, the left hand is elevated).

She should take her left hand on the back of your upper left arm and gently pull it back and up as she presses her right hand to the front of your left shoulder blade.


From the full pose of the cow face pose, or Gomukhasana, lean forward and lower the front torso down onto the inner upper thigh. Stay for 20 seconds, and then inhale and come up.



Traser Gold: All about the Cow Face Pose or Gomukhasana (गोमुखासन)
All about the Cow Face Pose or Gomukhasana (गोमुखासन)
all about the cow face pose or gomukhasana,the cow face pose or gomukhasana,about the cow face pose,gomukhasana,the cow face pose,गोमुखासन pose,
Traser Gold
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