Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Bowel syndrome (or Colon) Irritable (SII): functional coagulopathy (irritable bowel syndrome: causes, symptoms, and treatment).

These terms include various intestinal disorders, pain, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, and mucus in the stool.

Functional disorders, marked by symptoms like nausea, lack of appetite, and fatigue, commonly coexist with slow digestion and frequent headaches. These aren't inflammatory conditions of the intestinal mucosa.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Bleeding, night pain, and chronic diarrhea may raise suspicion of more serious conditions and require further investigations.

All these disorders are not present at the same time but return chronically. Irritable bowel syndrome is more common in women. It often starts between 18 and 25 years old and is common until 35 years old.

It does not matter, but its symptoms interfere with social life in the long run and can irritate the intestinal mucosa.

Is unknown or the actual causes, and it is difficult to give treatments. In natural medicine, there will always be a comprehensive approach to irritable bowel syndrome.

So, to activate digestion, liver, and stomach with plants, we regularize the transit and intestinal spasms subside.

Natural Treatments of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Finally, and most importantly, it will balance supply, correcting any deficiencies. Therapies for stress management will complement the treatment.

In terms of Food

We will make an initial finding that irritable bowel syndrome occurs during and after adolescence and often affects women. Young people feed very badly, getting worse and worse.

Sandwiches between meals, industrial food, dieting, skipped meals, or taking speed in places where the food is very cheap, young teens build bad!

And girls who rule each month that the body must compensate in protein and iron are even more fragile. Moreover, they are often restrictive diets.

But it isn't easy to convince young people to take care of their health. 20 or 25 years, you feel invulnerable and reluctant to curb your desires, change your habits, and not be like the others!

Therefore, one should not rush things and try to improve on what is most neglected.


Enhance the necessary daily supply of good-quality protein that is easily digestible. Meat, red or white, fish, boiled eggs, or fried.

Vegetables are often absent. The fruit will be easier to advise, and dry fruits and dried fruits are all excellent.

Beware of dairy products, especially milk and cheese. Dairy products too often replace other food categories.

Above, introduce at least one meal of vegetable oils, first cold pressing. Rapeseed oil is preferably associated with camelina oil or nuts.

We repeat for the umpteenth time, “It does not make you fat! This brings good essential fatty acids that balance metabolism and strengthen the entire body."

Processing of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Be cautious of challenging-to-digest, mucous membrane-aggressive, and allergenic foods! Opt for gluten-free, intestine-friendly cereals like rice, corn, quinoa, buckwheat, and amaranth.

Choose apple-based options over pasta for breakfast, acknowledging morning digestion challenges for those with irritable bowel syndrome.

Avoid imposing heavy meals on a contracted digestive system during the morning hours, opting instead for a light breakfast with items like bread, buckwheat, quinoa, rice cakes, cream, chestnut puree, white sesame, white almonds, a banana, and light tea.

While a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is advised, it might pose difficulties for those with irritable bowel syndrome.

Instead, embrace a well-balanced diet, incorporating gluten-free cereals, animal protein, bananas, stewed fruits, pears, carrots, and potatoes, ensuring a wholesome, deficiency-free lifestyle.

Listen to your body's needs and make mindful dietary choices for optimal well-being.

The Most Important Thing is the Digestion

Meat, fish, boiled eggs, or fried eggs are the most nutritious food boxes, as are tonics, which often pose few problems.

Especially if they are not associated with dairy products. We must eat the little fibrous vegetables, potatoes, cereals, and gluten mentioned above.

Mistrust with the dairy cows. We prefer those goats, possibly sheep. Eat yogurt, such as fruits, without food or 1/2 hour before. Don't drink too much at meals, eat slowly, and chew as much as possible.

The digestion of food is more important than the food itself! What is digested is generally good for the body. An excellent nutritional food, undigested, will do more harm than good!

Also, learn to listen to her body and her reactions, and find a way of eating that works from the above tips.

Stress Management is Crucial

Stress management is paramount, of course, but it is always the most difficult to improve. Especially among the youth.

We advise many exercises—if possible, relaxation exercises, yoga, and martial arts—to learn to breathe. You can use some plants to soothe and calm your nerves.

To soothe the irritation (due to a “decision to quit smoking, for example), the more strong valerian passionflower is effective against anxiety, and for a little angst, take Griffonia, or the wort that is always associated with passion.


In complementation, essential fatty acids omega-3 and 6 from fish, flaxseed oil, evening primrose, and borage should be advised. Magnesium is well tolerated and assimilated into marine-type or basic salts.

Beware of magnesium laxatives, which often have side effects! Magnesium must be well tolerated digestively to achieve its maximum assimilation.

The lithothamnion, rich in calcium and magnesium (this is a sedimentary alga), may be suitable as dolomite powder, a basic salt.

Especially if you feel heartbroken, make a 3-week treatment, and if the results are good, continue for 2-3 months or even take it continuously.

Control the Rate of Iron Stores

Control the rate of reserve iron and ferritin markers in the blood. Or obvious symptoms. Correct iron deficiency with natural supplements for physiologically measured and well-tolerated digestive plants.

Iron is essential during pregnancy. The natural supplement is associated with plants and vitamins. can also associate with proteins in spirulina freshwater algae.



Traser Gold: Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
irritable bowel syndrome causes, symptoms and treatment,natural treatments of irritable bowel syndrome,irritable bowel syndrome causes,ibs treatment,
Traser Gold
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