How to Perform Peacock Pose or Mayurasana (मयूरासन)?

How to Perform Peacock Pose or Mayurasana (मयूरासन)?

Peacock yoga pose in Sanskrit: मयूरासन (Mayurasana) or peacock pose is an asana in which a person assumes a peacock-like pose. See all about the peacock pose or Mayurasana.

Peacock pose or Mayurasana, tones the abdominal part of the body. It also strengthens the forearm, wrist, and elbow.

The name comes from the Sanskrit words "Mayura (मयूर)" meaning peacock and "Asana (आसन)" meaning posture or pose.

In this pose, the individual is lifted as a horizontal stick by placing both palms on the floor while the elbows support the body. Kalachakra thangka from Sera Mathh.

In Tibetan Buddhist and Indian Hindu/Buddhist traditions, Shambhala is a mythical kingdom hidden someplace in inner Asia.

How to Perform Peacock Pose or Mayurasana?

It is mentioned in many ancient texts, including the ancient texts of the "Zhang Zhung" and the "Kalachakra Tantra" cultures, which predate Tibetan Buddhism in western Tibet.

The Bon scriptures talk of a closely related land named Olmolungring. Hindu texts such as the Vishnu Purana say Shambhala is the birthplace of the Kalki avatar, the last manifestation of the Vishnu avatar, who would usher in a new Golden Age.

Whatever the historical basis, Shambhala gradually came to be seen as the Buddhist Pure Land, a glorious empire whose reality is as visionary or spiritual as it is geographical or physical.

It was in this form that the Shambhala myth migrated to the West, where it influenced Buddhist and non-Buddhist spiritual speakers.

Peacock Pose or Mayurasana: Step-by-Step

  1. Sit on your heels with your knees wide. Bring hands and forearms together, palms facing up.
  2. Leaning forward, place the hands flat on the floor with the fingers pointed towards the body. The elbows are slightly bent, while the sides of the hands and elbows are joined together.
  3. Press your elbows into the midriff area
  4. Keep your abs tight and rest your head on the floor.
  5. Straighten the knee, stretch one leg straight back, and bring the other out beside it. The upper part of the foot should be on the floor.
  6. Keep your buttocks firm and your shoulders rounded slightly down.
  7. Raise the head and gaze forward

More: 6 Steps to Completing the Pose

  1. Keeping the legs firm, shift the weight forward with the buttocks.
  2. As the weight changes, the foot should come off the ground.
  3. The body should be on the hands and parallel to the floor.
  4. Rest in this position for 10 seconds, and gradually increase the time to 1 minute.
  5. Leave your feet and head on the floor.
  6. Repeat this 2 to 3 times.

Precautions when Performing

  • Avoid this pose in case of injury to the elbow, shoulder, or wrist.
  • Avoid peacock poses or Mayurasana during pregnancy and menstruation.

Avoid this pose in certain medical conditions, such as hernia, ulcers, heart disease, high blood pressure, brain tumors, complicated intestinal problems, and eye, ear, or nose infections.

Peacock pose or Mayurasana detoxifies and releases toxins; therefore, if you feel unwell during practice, reduce the time and repetitions of the pose.

Tip for Beginners

If you are a beginner to yoga poses, then you can use some beginner tips to help you. Tie the elbows with a strap if they slide apart, and place the strap over the elbow.

To help you balance, put a block under your forehead and/or front ankles. It's recommended that you perform this pose under the guidance of a trained yoga teacher.

Benefits of Peacock Pose or Mayurasana

According to the ancient text, peacock posture reduces the effects of unhealthy food; it produces heat in the stomach and reduces the effect of deadly poisons; it effectively cures diseases like tumors and fever, as it is a useful asana.

Benefits of the pose include the following:

  • Peacock pose exerts pressure on the abdomen, which directs blood to the digestive organs. With increased intra-abdominal pressure, the abdominal area is toned.
  • The liver, spleen, pancreas, and stomach are revitalized. The nerves and muscles associated with the intestines and kidneys are rejuvenated.
  • It is said that the lethargy of the liver goes away.
  • Mayur Mudra fights problems related to constipation, diabetes, piles, and indigestion.
  • If the practice of Mayur Mudra is done in the morning, acidity is reduced.
  • Peacock pose strengthens the reproductive organs and improves sexual function.

Additional Benefits of the Mayurasana

  • Peacock pose helps to overcome all the problems caused by excess bile (Pitta), wind (Vayu), or phlegm (Kapha).
  • With the regular practice of Mayurasana, the body easily digests the food eaten without thinking and thoughtlessly.
  • Asana counteracts the impacts of overeating and consuming rich, greasy foods.
  • The arm muscles and core get stronger.
  • The shoulders, elbows, and wrists are strengthened.
  • The peacock pose improves your back and leg muscles.
  • The peacock pose or Mayurasana relieves stress and calms the mind.

Therapeutic Applications

  • Improves digestion
  • Relieves constipation
  • Alleviates Stress
  • Promotes liver health
  • Improves body-mind coordination and balance
  • Enhances concentration and determination
  • Promotes physical and mental balance
  • Removes lethargy

Variations of Peacock Pose

The winged peacock pose, or Pincha Mayurasana, is an advanced form of peacock pose. This pose requires a lot of practice, strength, and flexibility. The steps for this yoga pose are illustrated below:

  1. First, start with a downward-facing dog pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana) near a wall.
  2. Place your forearms and palms on the floor. The forearms should be parallel to each other, and the fingers should be at the base of the wall.
  3. The shoulder blades should be tight against the back and pulled toward the tailbone.
  4. Plant the forearms inward and rotate the upper arms outward. Spread the palms and place the inner wrists firmly on the floor.
  5. Bend the knee and step the left foot in close to the wall. Extend the right leg toward the wall and lift the left leg off the floor, pushing through the heel to straighten the foot.

More Variations of the Pose

  1. Exhale and jump up and down many times, each time trying to push off the floor a little higher.
  2. At first, jumping up and down is all you can manage, but regular practice of the downward-facing dog pose or plank pose will help you achieve the required position.
  3. In the winged peacock pose, the head should be attached to the ground. Place the head between the shoulder blades and keep your look fixed in the middle of the room.
  4. Stay in this pose for 10 to 15 seconds, and gradually do it for 1 minute. Do not land on your shoulders while landing.
  5. Exhale and bring one leg down, keeping the shoulder blades up and wide.
  6. Repeat the same for another foot.
  7. Keep switching legs to lift upward.

Preparatory Poses

  • Four Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana)
  • Seated Legs Behind the Head Pose (Eka Pada Sirsasana)

Follow-up poses

  1. Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
  2. One-handed Arm Balance (Eka Hasta Bhujanasana)
  3. Shoulder-Pressing Pose (Bhujapidasana)
  4. Child Pose (Balasana)
  5. Legs Behind Head Pose (Eka Pada Sirsasana)
  6. Four Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana)

Mayurasana is one of those yoga poses that may seem difficult to do initially. However, patience and practice are the keys. With time, the body will find the balance and fluidity required to perform the pose.


Mayurasana is a fundamental balancing asana that demands physical strength. In this asana, the entire weight of the body rests on the navel, and it is possible to lose balance at any moment.

People suffering from cervical spondylitis are not advised to practice peacock pose or Mayurasana. May also like: Padahastasana (पादहस्तासन)Gomukhasana (गोमुखासन)Simhasana (सिंहासन)



Traser Gold: How to Perform Peacock Pose or Mayurasana (मयूरासन)?
How to Perform Peacock Pose or Mayurasana (मयूरासन)?
how to perform peacock pose or mayurasana,how to perform peacock pose,mayurasana benefits,mayurasana steps,all about peacock pose or mayurasana,
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