Pineapple: A Fruit with Multiple Virtues and Health Benefits

A Fruit with Multiple Virtues and Health Benefits of Pineapple

Who says pineapple means fruit cocktails by the sea or holidays in the sun on a tropical island? See pineapple, a fruit with multiple virtues and health benefits.

Apart from the real taste pleasure it provides, this food has many virtues for the health and well-being of those who consume it. To lose weight or adopt a healthy diet, opt for the yellow king.

Its appearance, which gives it the air of a king thanks to its beautiful green crown, seduces more than one. But the nutritional health benefits of pineapple will make you crazy about this fruit every day as soon as you wake up.

Calorific and Mineral Composition of Pineapple

Enough in any case, because this fruit has no equal to start your day energetically and in a good mood. This is why nutritionists often recommend including it in a low-calorie diet.

1. Diced Pineapple

Taking freshly diced pineapple in a cup, i.e., approximately 160g of pineapple, provides the body with:

  1. 21.4g carbohydrates
  2. 82 calories
  3. 2.2g dietary fiber
  4. 0.8g protein
  5. 0.2g fat

2. Canned or in Large Chunks

Moreover, when you consume pineapple canned or in large chunks, i.e., 190 g in 250 ml of pineapple juice, this corresponds to:

  1. 29.8g carbohydrates
  2. 115 calories
  3. 2.5g dietary fiber
  4. 1g protein
  5. 0.2g fat

3. Pineapple Juice

On the other hand, buying juice made from pineapple concentrate and serving yourself a cup of about 250 ml gives you directly:

  1. 33.8g carbohydrates
  2. 138 calories
  3. 0.6g dietary fiber
  4. 1g protein
  5. 0g fat

It is then much more beneficial on a nutritional level and more economical to consume pineapple in fruit when it has just been cut.

Moreover, the glycemic index of pineapple is quite low, with higher antioxidant properties (just like carrot juice, prunes, and kale).

4. Minerals of Pineapple

As far as the mineral side of pineapple goes, it's barely bitten; it's a veritable water mine; and:

  1. Manganese
  2. Calcium
  3. Potassium
  4. Magnesium
  5. Iron

Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B5, B6, and B9 are also found in pineapple preserves and drinks (source 1 and source 2).

The Health Benefits of Pineapple

In addition to its naturally sweet taste, the health benefits of pineapple not only appease hunger and thirst but also have countless virtues.

Here are the most notable health benefits of pineapple:

1. Improves Your Digestion

Apart from minerals and vitamins, pineapple, from the bromeliad family, also contains high amounts of bromelain in its stem.

The digestive system must have this part of the pineapple stem to function properly. Indeed, bromelain facilitates the breakdown of nutrients such as proteins and carbohydrates.

Some nutrients, during fermentation, sometimes cause bloating and heartburn (sometimes called flatulence).

To avoid all these disappointments, eating pineapple or drinking its juice after a meal that is too rich in fat, starch, or protein is important.

So, if you go through a well-stocked buffet, consider having pineapple for dessert to not compromise your little siesta.

2. Helps Eliminate Post-digestive Waste

Many people complain of constipation, especially after eating foods like bread and other wheat-based meals. Pineapple is an essential source of fiber, useful for facilitating intestinal transit.

It is mainly cellulose, an effective component to prevent people with regular consumption of pineapple from becoming constipated.

3. Promotes Blood Detoxification

Pineapple purifies the blood in the body, thus promoting better circulation of our vital fluids. Thus, it would be a great way to protect against blood clots in our conductive vessels.

So, consuming pineapple daily would protect against strokes. Indeed, the bromelain contained in the freshly cut pineapple helps to make the blood more fluid.

It then prevents blood platelets from clotting, reducing venous inflammation due to thrombosis.

4. Soothes often Painful Menstruation

According to scientific observations, the bromelain present in the stem of pineapple has a soothing effect on the cervix during menstruation.

The pineapple thus protects many women from the excruciating pain that is almost customary during their period.

For this reason, pineapple drinks are designated as the faithful companions of women prone to painful menstruation.

5. Pineapple as an Anti-inflammatory

Pineapple, thanks to its anti-inflammatory action present in the bromelain of the stem, would be an excellent way to treat inflammation.

So to speak, this bromelain would prevent the secretion of prostaglandin, a substance at the origin of nervous irritations.

After a burn, the first instinct that would save you is to immediately place a slice of pineapple on the affected part.

6. Pineapple to Fight Warts Naturally

Using pineapple as a treatment for warts is nature's best solution to relieving you of these rashes. To find satisfaction, simply rub a slice of pineapple on the warts for 60 seconds.

This natural treatment is to be used twice daily until the total elimination of the warts. And you're back nickels as out of a miraculous bath.

7. Soothes Sore Muscles

According to many health specialists, pineapple, thanks to the bromelain (yes, again) contained in its stem, has an impact on muscle pain. Likewise, it treats the inflammation of the tissues as well as that of the tendons.

With this in mind, the consumption of pineapple is therefore recommended for athletes after intense sports sessions, thus soothing muscle pain.

You can also take it in the form of juice after short jogging sessions. Why not take some if you have just finished your shopping marathon?

8. Lose Mass Naturally with Pineapple

It is common to hear that pineapple is an excellent companion in mass-loss programs when it is only part of our diet. To lose weight, nothing is better than a fat-burning food such as pineapple.

In fact, due to bromelain, the consumption of pineapple helps burn the lipids present even in inaccessible areas of the body.

However, until now, no scientific study has yet managed to demonstrate the impact of pineapple on the elimination of fat.

So don't just eat pineapple and hope for a noticeable loss of body fat. In addition, run, jump, and move to make it easier for him (source).

However, consuming pineapple helps to get a flat stomach naturally by reducing bloating. So for those who love snacking, replace your chips with homemade pineapple slices.

9. Fight against Water Retention

By facilitating the production of urine, pineapple allows the body to get rid of excess fluid. With these fluids, the toxins retained in the body also disappear.

Indeed, all these harmful substances accumulate in our bodies due to an unhealthy lifestyle combined with a lack of physical exercise.

However, it is necessary to avoid exaggeratingly taking pineapple for fear of dehydrating you following an excessive elimination of liquids.

10. Strengthens Bones

Pineapple, an important manganese reserve, is now useful for strengthening the frame. Indeed, manganese makes it possible to develop the density of the bones and indirectly relieve the problems of arthritis.

Thus, pineapple, a fruit with multiple virtues and health benefits, is recommended for people who have suffered a fracture to consume pineapple daily.

11. Protects the Body from Cancer

Thanks to the bromelain present in the pineapple stem, the body effectively fights the swollen cells at the origin of cancers, in particular those of the colon and breast cancer.

We also advise eating spinach, carrots, or even goji berries. It is therefore one of the most precious health benefits of pineapple and is sought after by the population that consumes this exotic fruit.

12. Protects against Colds and other Infections

The high dose of vitamin C contained in pineapple helps prevent inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes, which leads to colds.

Pineapple also protects against sore throats, fatigue, and various kinds of infections. Similarly, as an immune system booster, vitamin C in pineapple helps the body fight against micro-aggressors.

Thus, for people suffering from asthma or bronchial congestion, it is recommended to consume pineapple daily. This will help the body eliminate the mucus accumulated within it.

Conclusion: Eat pineapple every day, all the time

In addition to making you spend great evenings in the company of your friends, enjoy the health benefits of pineapple through its juice and decide.

There is no need to deprive yourself of a fruit with tropical flavors, which, in addition to refreshing you, also reminds you of your peaceful holidays by the sea.



Traser Gold: Pineapple: A Fruit with Multiple Virtues and Health Benefits
Pineapple: A Fruit with Multiple Virtues and Health Benefits
a fruit with multiple virtues and health benefits of pineapple, health benefits of pineapple,virtues of pineapple,top health benefits of pineapple,
Traser Gold
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